Title: The Multi-Stake Holder process - A view from the NGO/NFP community Multistakeholder Models of Collaboration - Lessons from the Real World and the Internet World
Schedule: 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Place: Dockside 5
Session overview: The Multi-Stakeholder Process (MSP) has been used worldwide for decades by many organizations like ICANN and various social and economical development programs to foster consensus between diverging interests in the public domain, the private sector and civil society. There is a wide body of applied knowledge on the MSP which merits wider dissemination and understanding. A panel of eminent specialists will share some of this knowledge and foster a discussion on how the MSP can be improved at ICANN.
- R3 white paper
- Multistakeholder partnerships and Digital Technologies for Development in Latin America and the Carribbean. Three case studies. Omar Dengo Foundation (ed.)
- Multi-stakeholder partnerships. Issue paper. Global Knowledge Partnership.
- Multi-stakeholder partnerships for educational technology: critical reflections” by Professor Tim Unwin at the Omar Dengo Foundation in Costa Rica
- Global Education Initiative - Retrospective on Partnerships for Education Development 2003-2011 Insight Report. World Economic Forum. Prepared by Alex Wong and Tim Unwin
- What are the key lessons of ICT4D partnerships for poverty reduction? Systematic Review Report. DFID UK Department for International Development. Review Team: Marije Geldof, David J. Grimshaw, Dorothea Kleine, and Tim Unwin, February 2011