- Mr. Sam Lanfranco, Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Jean-Jacques Subrenat has an interest in human development, governance, global issues, current affairs, international relations. Is self-educated about the Internet. Member of ICANN-ALAC (selected by the Nominating Committee 2010-12, again 2012-14). Member of ICANN-Board (selected by the Nominating Committee 2007-10).
Volunteer in the French Navy (1960-63); scholarship student (1964-68); researcher at CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) in Paris (1967-71); diplomat (1972-2005).
In the diplomatic service, served at the Policy Planning Staff (1976-78); on secondment to the Ministry of industry to help set up the Solar Energy Authority, headed its international affairs department (1978-80); Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister for Europe (1980-81); Deputy director for Asia and the Pacific (1984-86); Alternate director for development aid (1986-88); Alternate director for the Americas (1992-95).
Diplomatic postings in Singapore (Embassy Secretary 1973-76), in Japan (Counsellor 1981-84, Minister Counsellor & Deputy Head of mission 1988-92). Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Western European Union (WEU in Brussels 1995-98), Ambassador to Estonia (1998-2002), Ambassador to Finland (2002-05). Acting Governor for France, ASEF Board of Governors (2005).
Recent responsibilities: Special Advisor to the Board, Neumünster Cultural Centre (2009-10); Chairman of the Advisory Board, Institut Pierre Werner (2007~2009); tutor at ENA (Ecole nationale d'administration in Strasbourg, 2007~2008).
- Others: TBC
Reference materials: R3 white paper https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Future+Challenges+WG+-+R3+White+Paper