A consent agenda item is being added as a standard agenda item to provide for a simplified process to obtain Council approval on specific tasks.
2.1 IOC/RC DT. (GAC/GNSO Issues Related to International Olympic Committee (IOC) & Red Cross (RC) Names Drafting Team.) Approve sending of note to GAC.Item 3: Best practices for addressing abusive registrations (15 minutes)
Following the recommendation of the Registration Abuse Policies (RAP) Working Group, the GNSO Council requested a discussion paper on the creation of non-binding best practices to help registrars and registries address the abusive registrations of domain names.
The discussion paper recommended the creation of two Working Groups, one to establish the framework for best practices and one to propose candidate best practices to address the abusive registration of domain names.
The Council must now consider a motion to set up a drafting team to create the charter for these groups. This motion was deferred from the May 10, 2012 meeting.
Refer to motion 1
3.1 Reading of the motion (Zahid Jamil)
The WHOIS access recommendation was considered as part of the consent agenda at the Council's 16 February 2012 meeting.
At that meeting, the ISP constituency requested that the proposal to end this work be removed from the consent agenda and considered as part of the GNSO's main agenda. A further suggestion was suggested that constituency/stakeholder members work with Staff to identify a path forward and that the topic be further discussed at the Costa Rica meetings.
A motion has been made to consider next steps.
Refer to motion 22.2 Council approval of proposed WG Chair and VC UDRP Domain Locking WG (Michele Neylon and Alan Greenberg).
Item 3: Update on the Joint Supporting Organisations/Advisory Committee on New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group (JAS WG) (15 minutes)
This item aims to provide the Council with a status update on the JAS WG so that next steps for the group can be determined.
This was discussed at the May 10, 2012 Council meeting but as Kurt was unable to attend, the Council felt another discussion point was needed on this subject. Also, a number of questions were asked by the Council during its previous meeting and it was felt that it would be useful to get responses from Kurt to them.
3.1 WG update from Staff, and answers to Council questions (Kurt Pritz)
3.2 Discussion
3.3 Next steps
Item 4: Update on the Prague GNSO working weekend sessions (10 minutes)
Discussion item in preparation of the GNSO Council's work weekend at the Prague ICANN meeting. This item will be introduced by Jeff Neuman, who is in charge of organizing our Prague agenda.
4.1 Update from Jeff Neuman
4.2 Discussion
Item 5: Best practices for addressing abusive registrations (15 minutes)
Following the recommendation of the Registration Abuse Policies (RAP) Working Group, the GNSO Council requested a discussion paper on the creation of non-binding best practices to help registrars and registries address the abusive registrations of domain names.
The discussion paper recommended the creation of two Working Groups, one to establish the framework for best practices and one to propose candidate best practices to address the abusive registration of domain names.
The Council must now consider a motion to set up a drafting team to create the charter for these groups. This motion was deferred from the May 10, 2012 meeting.
Refer to motion 1
45.1 1 Reading of the motion (Wolf-Ulrich KnobenZahid Jamil)
45.2 2 Discussion
45.3 3 Vote
Item 5: Outreach Task Force (OTF) 6: WHOIS Access recommendation (10 minutes)
The Council has set up a drafting team to develop a charter for an OTF. A motion to approve that charter did not pass when made at the Dakar meeting. A second motion was made at the December 15, 2011 meeting and was not seconded, which meant it was not considered. In Costa Rica, the Council decided to form a group to discuss options on how to proceed.
This is an update item on the work of that group.
5.1 Update from (X Y)
The GNSO Council requested that a small group prepare a request for information concerning Fake Renewal Notices for the RrSG to help inform its deliberations on the RAP WG Recommendation on Fake Renewal Notices (#2).
The drafting team submitted its report to the GNSO Council on 6 March. Following a presentation of the report to the GNSO Council at the ICANN Meeting in Costa Rica, the GNSO Council decided to put the report out for public comment.
A public comment forum was opened (see http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/fake-renewal-notices-report-21mar12-en.htm) and has now closed. The Council is now expected to consider next steps.
6.1 Public comment forum submissions overview (Marika Konings)
Report of Public Comments on Fake Renewal Notices
6.2 Discussion
6.3 Next steps
To help inform its consideration of the RAPWG Recommendation on Uniformity of Reporting, the GNSO Council requested the ICANN Compliance Department to report on existing systems to report and track violations and/or complaints; improvements made since the RAPWG Report or foreseen in the near future, and: identify gaps and any improvements that might be desirable but not foreseen at this stage.
The ICANN Compliance Team submitted its report on 18 March and presented it to the GNSO Council at its meeting on 12 April. ICANN Staff also provided a background presentation on the RAP WG Recommendation (see https://gnso.icann.org/node/30809).
The GNSO Council is now expected to consider next steps, if any.
7.1 Discussion
7.2 Next steps
Item 8: Update on the Joint Supporting Organisations/Advisory Committee on New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group (JAS WG) (15 minutes)
This item aims to provide the Council with a status update on the JAS WG so that next steps for the group can be determined.
This was discussed at the May 10, 2012 Council meeting but as Kurt was unable to attend, the Council felt another discussion point was needed on this subject. Also, a number of questions were asked by the Council during its previous meeting and it was felt that it would be useful to get responses from Kurt to them.
8.1 WG update from Staff, and answers to Council questions (Kurt Pritz)
8.2 Discussion
8.3 Next steps
The IRD submitted its final report to the GNSO Council and SSAC on March 3, 2012 for review and approval.
However, SSAC has recommend some substantial changes and more work may now be needed by the IRD before its final report can be considered.
This agenda item is to provide an update on these latest developments in the IRD WG's work to the Council.
9.1 WG update from Staff (Steve Sheng)
9.2 Discussion
Item 10: UDRP Domain Locking WG (5 minutes)
As per the GNSO WG Guidelines, the Chairs of a WG need to be confirmed by the GNSO Council.
The Council may wish to note that Michele Neylon (Proposed Chair) and Alan Greenberg (Proposed Vice-Chair) were selected with unanimous support from the Working Group.
10.1 WG update from Staff (Marika Konings)
10.2 Council approval of proposed WG Chair and VC.
Item 11: Consumer Metrics WG (5 minutes)
The Consumer Metrics WG has prepared a draft advice document for discussion in Prague in order to finalise the document before sending it to the Council.
As part of that process, the WG would like to solicit the GAC's input. A letter
has been drafted for the Council Chair to send to the GAC Chair.
The Council must decide whether to send that letter.
11.1 WG update from Council Liaison (Rosemary Sinclair)
11.2 Council approval of sending proposed letter.
WHOIS access recommendation was considered as part of the consent agenda at the Council's 16 February 2012 meeting.
At that meeting, the ISP constituency requested that the proposal to end this work be removed from the consent agenda and considered as part of the GNSO's main agenda. A further suggestion was suggested that constituency/stakeholder members work with Staff to identify a path forward and that the topic be further discussed at the Costa Rica meetings.
A motion has been made to consider next steps.
Refer to motion 2
6.1 Reading of the motion (Wolf-Ulrich KnobenWolf-Ulrich Knoben)
6.2 Discussion
6.3 Vote
Item 7: Consumer Metrics WG (10 minutes)
The Consumer Metrics WG has prepared a draft advice document for discussion in Prague in order to finalise the document before sending it to the Council.
As part of that process, the WG would like to solicit the GAC's input. A letter
has been drafted for the Council Chair to send to the GAC Chair.
The Council must decide whether to send that letter.
7.1 WG update from Council Liaison (Rosemary Sinclair)
7.2 Council approval of sending proposed letter.
Item 8: Outreach Task Force (OTF) (10 minutes)
The Council has set up a drafting team to develop a charter for an OTF. A motion to approve that charter did not pass when made at the Dakar meeting. A second motion was made at the December 15, 2011 meeting and was not seconded, which meant it was not considered. In Costa Rica, the Council decided to form a group to discuss options on how to proceed.
This is an update item on the work of that group.
8.1 Update from Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
8.2 Discussion
Item 9: Update on the Internationalised Registration Data WG (10 minutes)
The IRD submitted its final report to the GNSO Council and SSAC on March 3, 2012 for review and approval.
However, SSAC has recommend some substantial changes and more work may now be needed by the IRD before its final report can be considered.
This agenda item is to provide an update on these latest developments in the IRD WG's work to the Council.
9.1 WG update from Staff (Steve Sheng)
9.2 Discussion
9.3 Next steps
Item 10: Fake Renewal Notices (10 minutes)
The GNSO Council requested that a small group prepare a request for information concerning Fake Renewal Notices for the RrSG to help inform its deliberations on the RAP WG Recommendation on Fake Renewal Notices (#2).
The drafting team submitted its report to the GNSO Council on 6 March. Following a presentation of the report to the GNSO Council at the ICANN Meeting in Costa Rica, the GNSO Council decided to put the report out for public comment.
A public comment forum was opened (see http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/fake-renewal-notices-report-21mar12-en.htm) and has now closed. The Council is now expected to consider next steps.
10.1 Public comment forum submissions overview (Marika Konings)
Report of Public Comments on Fake Renewal Notices
10.2 Discussion
10.3 Next steps
Item 11: Uniformity of Reporting (10 minutes)
To help inform its consideration of the RAPWG Recommendation on Uniformity of Reporting, the GNSO Council requested the ICANN Compliance Department to report on existing systems to report and track violations and/or complaints; improvements made since the RAPWG Report or foreseen in the near future, and: identify gaps and any improvements that might be desirable but not foreseen at this stage.
The ICANN Compliance Team submitted its report on 18 March and presented it to the GNSO Council at its meeting on 12 April. ICANN Staff also provided a background presentation on the RAP WG Recommendation (see https://gnso.icann.org/node/30809).
The GNSO Council is now expected to consider next steps, if any.
11.1 Update from Staff (Marika Konings)
11.2 Discussion
11.3 Next steps
Item 12: Any Other Business (5 minutes)