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Motion to delay the ‘thick’ Whois Policy Development Process

Made by: Stéphane van Gelder

Seconded by:

Whereas the GNSO Council requested an Issue Report on ‘thick’ Whois at its meeting on 22 September 2011 (see;

Whereas a Preliminary Issue Report on ‘thick’ Whois was prepared by staff and posted on 21 November 2011 for public comment (see;

Whereas a Final Issue Report on ‘thick’ Whois was published on 2 February 2012 (see;

Whereas the Final Issue Report recommends that the GNSO Council proceed with a Policy Development Process limited to consideration of the issues discussed in this report, and the General Counsel of ICANN has indicated the topic is properly within the scope of the ICANN policy process and within the scope of the GNSO;

Whereas the GNSO Council initiated a Policy Development Process at its meeting of 14 March 2012 (see;

Whereas at its wrap up session on 15 March, also taking into account the current workload of the GNSO community, the GNSO Council voiced support for a delay in the start of the PDP until contract negotiations on the .com agreement are complete, as the results of that negotiation may determine whether a PDP on ‘thick’ Whois is still required.


Resolved, the next step (creating a drafting team to develop a charter) of the ‘thick’ Whois PDP will be delayed until the .com negotiations have been completed by 30 November 2012.