Draft Agenda for GNSO Council Meeting – 19 January 2012
This agenda was established according to the GNSO Council Operating Procedures approved 22 September 2011 for the GNSO Council and updated.
1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:
- 15 December GNSO December GNSO Council minutes --approved on 3 January 2012.
• GNSO activities: 9 (9 - No change).
• Other activities: 10 (10 – No Change)
• Joint SO/AC WGs: 7 (7 - no change).
• Outstanding recommendations: 2 (2 - no change).
Item 3: Update Whois Review Team (RT) (10 minutes)
Recent events like the recent National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) letter http://www.icann.org/en/correspondence/strickling-to-crocker-03jan12-en.pdf
show that Whois remains very much in the spotlight. It therefore appears useful for the Council to have an update from the Whois RT so that the Council has a clearer idea of what potential policy development it might be called to work on in the near future.
The Chair of the Whois RT has kindly agreed to participate in this meeting and provide an update.
Update from Whois RT Chair (Emily Taylor)
Item 4: Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B (IRTP B) Rec 9 part 2 (15 10 minutes)
As adopted by the Council on 22 June 2011 http://gnso.icann.org/resolutions#201106-1 the Council requested Staff to provide a proposal for replacing denial reason #7 by adding a new provision in a different section of the IRTP on when and how domains may be locked or unlocked, taking into account the IRTP Part B WG deliberations in relation to this issue (see IRTP Part B Final Report - (Recommendation #9 - part 2).
34.1 Reading of the motion (Mason Cole).
34.2 Discussion
34.3 Vote
Item 4: 5: Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B (IRTP B) Rec 8 (15 10 minutes)
As adopted by the Council on 22 June 2011 http://gnso.icann.org/resolutions#201106-1 the Council requested Staff to provide a proposal designed to ensure a technically feasible approach can be developed to meet the following recommendation "prior to the consideration of approval of the recommendation regarding the standardizing and clarifying WHOIS status messages regarding Registrar Lock status".
Refer to motion https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Motions+19+January+2012
45.1 Reading of the motion (Mason Cole).
45.2 Discussion
45.3 Vote
Item 56: Cross Community Working Group Drafting Team (CCWG DT) (15 10 minutes)
On January 4, 2012, the CCWG Drafting Team sent the Council Chair its final recommendations with regard to the GNSO's approach on Community Working Groups.
Refer to motion
56.1 Reading of the motion (Jonathan Robinson).
56.2 Discussion
56.3 Vote
Item 6: 7: Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B (IRTP B) Rec 7 (15 10 minutes)
A resolution was passed by the Council at its Dec 15, 2011 meeting to address recommendation 7 of the IRTP part B WG on the requirement to lock a domain subject to UDRP proceedings.
This is an information item on the state of the DT.
67.1 Update by Staff (Marika Konings).
67.2 Discussion
67.3 Next steps
Item 7: Update on Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) developments following the Dakar discussions (10 minutes)
Update by Margie Milam
Item 8: 8: Outreach Task Force Charter (20 minutes)
As part of the GNSO improvements, the Operations Steering Committee (OSC)'s Constituency and Stakeholder Group Operations Work Team worked on a set of recommendations on a global outreach program
The Council has considered motions on this recently been no agreement has been found. As the original request came from the ICANN Board, the Council leadership feels an answer should be provided. That answer may be not to approve, to approve, or to determine that the Council as a body does not want to voice an opinion, although specific GNSO SGs and Cs are obviously still free to.
The Council ledareship suggests that is that this topic be discussed at the GNSO week-end sessions in the forthcoming ICANN International Meeting in March 2012. To set the scene for these discussions, this agenda item is to provide some historical context into this topic.
8.1 Update and presentation from staff (Liz Gasster)
8.2 Discussion
Item 9: Whois Accessibility (20 minutes)
The GNSO Council resolved at its meeting on 6 October to request the Whois Survey Drafting Team to consider including the issue of WHOIS Access as recommended by the RAP WG as part of the survey it has been tasked to develop. The Whois Survey Drafting Team provided its response to the GNSO Council on 10 January (see http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg12559.html) noting that 'the WSWG determined inclusion of the RAPWG’s recommendation aligned more with policy and thus the WSWG considered it to be out of scope'. In addition, the WSWG provided the GNSO Council in its response with additional information 'so that it may make a better informed decision about the access recommendation'.
9.1 Response of WGWS (Wendy Seltzer, Council Liaison to WSWG
9.2 Discussion
9.3 Next steps
Item 10: Any Other Business (5 minutes)