Forum on DNS Abuse
Monday, 24 October, 2011
16:00- 17:30
Dakar, Senegal
Format: Most of the online crimes you hear of abuse the Domain Name System in some way. Whether a scam artist hides his identity by hosting his website behind an orphaned record, or a phisher registers a domain intended to resemble a famous brand, abuse of the DNS involves many ICANN stakeholders. Consumers and businesses can be victims of abuse, legitimate service providers might see criminals and fraudsters use those very services to commit offenses. This Forum is part of a continuing dialogue where the different stakeholders affected by DNS abuse can share information and ideas for responding to such abuse.
Moderator: Nii Narku Quanor (Former ICANN Board Director)
The moderator will outline the purpose of the Forum, explain the format and panel topics. The moderator will also provide opening remarks.
Session 1: Latest Developments in the Fight against DNS Abuse
Panel: Pierre Danjineau (INFOCOM, former AFRINIC Board Member, Benin), Lanre Ajayi (Pinet Informatics, Nigeria), Frederick Gaudreau (Sûreté du Québec, Canada), and Gary Kibby (Serious Organized Crime Agency, United Kingdom)
This session highlights the latest developments in the fight against DNS-related abuse such as phishing, malware and crimeware. The speakers will address the regional challenges faced in Africa in responding to DNS-related abuse.
Questions and Answers
Session 2: Evolution of Domain Name Take-Downs
Panel: Matthew Swenson and Michael McCarthy (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) (inv), Rod Rasmussen (Anti-Phishing Working Group, USA), Chuck Gomes/Keith Drazek (Verisign, USA)(inv), Titi Akinsamni, (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa)
In recent times, domain take-downs processes for dealing with cyber-crime and other malicious conduct involving domain names have evolved from theory to practice. In the absence of uniform ICANN policies to address these concerns, security professionals, law enforcement agencies and private companies rely on voluntary cooperation, or legal process to accomplish these take-downs. The panelists will explore the effectiveness or challenges associated with these practices, and what role, if any, should ICANN play in the evolution of domain-name take-down practices.
Questions and Answers
Closing Remarks (Moderator)
The Forum on DNS Abuse has turned into one of the more popular recurring sessions at ICANN international meetings. Join us for informative, up-to-the-minute reports from the global war against DNS abuse.