10.1 Reading of the motion (Wendy Seltzer)
10.2 Discussion
10.3 Vote
Item 11: June 20 Board resolution on new gTLDs (15 minutes)
As part of its resolutions on the new gTLD program, the ICANN Board passed a resolved clause during its June 20 meeting in Singapore which contained the following excerpt (Resolved 1.b):
Refer to Board June 20 2011 motion on new gTLDs:
Incorporation of text concerning protection for specific requested Red Cross and IOC names for the top level only during the initial application round, until the GNSO and GAC develop policy advice based on the global public interest.
The GNSO Council discussed this at its July 21 meeting. A position paper has been put forward by Staff and this is being discussed today.
Refer to position paper /letter
Letter from letter was sent by Kurt Pritz to Heather Dryden & Stéphane van Gelder to provide some guidance:
On September 18, the GAC sent a letter to the GNSO Council providing advice on this topic:
<refer to GAC letter>
The Council should now discuss next steps and possible courses of action, starting with an answer to the GAC.
11.1 Discussion
11.2 Next steps
Item 12. Any Other Business (5 minutes)