GNSO Council meeting audiocast:
Item 1: Administrative matters (10 minutes)
1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Updated statement of interest
1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:
• 21 July minutes --approved on 8 August 2011.
Item 2: GNSO Pending Projects List (5 minutes)
Standard agenda item looking at changes made to the GNSO's Pending Projects list since the previous meeting.
Refer to Pending Projects list
• GNSO activities: 10 (9 – Open Council Meeting DT added).
• Other activities: 9 (7 – GNSO toolkit of services removed, IRTP B rec 8, IRTP B rec 9 and IRTP C issues report added).9 - no change)
• Joint SO/AC WGs: 7 (7 – no change).
• Outstanding recommendations: 2 (1 – IRTP B remaining recs added2-- no change).
Item 3: Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Working Group - recommendation # 3 (15 minutes)
At its July 21 meeting, the Council considered a motion to address IRTP Part B recommendation #3. This motion was deferred following a request from one of the GNSO groups, and as the GNSO Council has a practice of honoring such requests, the motion is being considered at this meeting.
Refer to motion 1
3.1 Reading of the motion (Tim Ruiz)
3.2 Discussion
3.3 Vote
Item 4: Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part C – Final Issue Report (10 minutes)
As part of the IRTP, Staff has produced an issue report on part C of this work. The report was put out for public comment and is now being presented to the GNSO Council as a Final Report for approval.
Refer to motion
4.1 Reading of the motion (XXX)
4.2 Discussion
4.3 Vote
Item 5: Proxy voting - OSC (10 minutes)
The proxy voting section of the GNSO Council Operating Procedures have been updated and put out for public comment. The OSC (Operations Steering Committee) has analyzed the comments received and a motion is being submitted for the GNSO Council to approve this updated text.
Refer to motion
5.1 Reading of the motion (XXX)
5.2 Discussion
5.3 Vote
Item 6: Registration abuse (RAP) (15 minutes)
At its July 21 meeting, the Council was presented with a motion to address the remaining recommendations of the RAP WG. This motion was discussed at the meeting and should now be considered by Council.
6.1 Reading of the motion (XXXXXX)
6.2 Discussion
6.3 Vote
Item 7: Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support (JAS) (15 minutes)
As part of its resolutions on the new gTLD program, the ICANN Board passed a resolved clause during its June 20 meeting in Singapore asking for the community work on Applicant Support to be ready for its consideration at the October 2011 meeting in Dakar, Senegal.
With this in mind, the JAS WG is presenting its final report for GNSO Council consideration.
Refer to Board June 20 2011 motion on new gTLDs:
Refer to motion
7.1 Reading of the motion (XXXXXX)
7.2 Discussion
7.3 Vote
Item 8: June 20 Board resolution on new gTLDs (15 minutes)
As part of its resolutions on the new gTLD program, the ICANN Board passed a resolved clause during its June 20 meeting in Singapore which contained the following excerpt (Resolved 1.b):
The GNSO Council discussed this at its July 21 meeting. A position paper has been put forward by Staff and this is being discussed today.
Refer to position paper <link>
8.1 Discussion
8.2 Next steps
Item 9: Interaction with ccNSO (10 minutes)
Action item from the Singapore ICANN meeting, deferred from the July 21 meeting: the ccNSO and the GNSO agreed to try and work together more closely on some projects of common interest. Two were discussed: the work the ccNSO is currently doing on ICANN's strategic plan and budget, and the work the GNSO is currently doing on CWGs.
This is a discussion item to ascertain how to push these two initiatives forward.
9.1 Discussion
9.2 Next steps
Item 10: Cartagena Board Resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation (10 minutes)
Refer to Board resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-10dec10-en.htm#6
10.1 Reading of the motion (Rosemary Sinclair)
10.2 Discussion
10.3 Vote
Item 8Item11: Open Council Meeting Drafting Team (10 minutes)
At its Singapore meeting, the Council decided to review the way its Open Meetings are organized. This is a discussion item to review the work of the team so far and identify any changes that might be made in time for the GNSO Council's next Open Meeting, in Dakar on October 26.
11.1 Update (XXX)
11.2 Discussion
11.3 Next steps
Item 12. Any Other Business (5 minutes)
Appendix 1: GNSO Council Voting Thresholds (ICANN Bylaws, Article X, Section 3)