This item to discuss the implementation of the resolutions passed by the GNSO Council at its June 22 meeting in Singapore and in particular action items arising from Resolved D, Resolved E and Resolved G.
Refer to June 22 motion:
2.1 Update from Staff (Marika Konings).
Action item from the Singapore ICANN meeting: the JIG's current charter does not allow it to continue working, yet the JIG reported to the GNSO Council in Singapore that it still has some work to do.
A motion is being submitted to extend the JIG's charter
3.1 Reading of the motion (Rafik Dammak)
A motion has been made to approve this report.
Refer to motion
7.1 Reading of the motion (Tim Ruiz)
A motion has been made for the Council to consider this report.
Refer to motion
8.1 Reading of the motion (Jeff Neuman)
This motion is being presented for discussion only at this meeting, in order to give the Council and its SGs sufficient time to properly assess it.
Refer to motion
9.1 Reading of the motion (XXXXXX)