GNSO Council Motions
1. WHOIS Motion
Made by: John Berard
Seconded by: Debbie Hughes (With Friendly Amendment proposed by the RySG marked in red)
Further resolved, in recognition that there is a substantial amount of coordination needed to direct this research, that staff be given the discretion to manage the studies serially or in parallel, with a goal of expediting completion of the studies as efficiently as possible.
2. Motion to Approve an Amended Recommendation in the Final Report on Proposals for Improvements to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement.
Deferred from GNSO Council meeting 16 March 2011
Made by:: Kristina Rosette
Seconded by: Zahid Jamil
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the GNSO Council recommends that this process be initiated by ICANN immediately.
3. Motion to adopt the Charter for the Standing Committee on Improvement Implementation (SCI)
Made by: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
. An activity timeline
4. Proposed motion on the JIG Final Report on Single Character IDN TLDs
Made by: Ching Chiao
Seconded by: Rafik Dammak and Adrian Kinderis
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the GNSO Council hereby expresses its appreciation to the JIG for their hardwork, and look forward to receiving further reports on "IDN Variant TLDs" and "Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs".
5. MOTION RE: Revision of Section 5.0 Statements of Interest of the GNSO Council Operating Procedures
Made by: Stéphane Van Gelder