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  1. Welcome from CSG Chair – Lori Schulman (5 mins)
  2. New ICANN Ombuds - Elizabeth Field (15 mins)
  3. Read out from Day 0 Event – Lori Schulman (10 minsand Next Steps – Philippe Fouquart (15 mins including Q&A)
  4. DNS Abuse – Where are we now? – Mason Cole (15 mins )
  5. Topic proposed by ISPs – Phillipe Fouquart
  6. including Q&A)
  7. Update on IPC RFR and Next Steps for Community Engagement (5 mins including Q&A) - Lori
  8. Open Discussion: Common Issues for CSG Members Governance– (15 mins) - Lori
    1. Identify
    2. Next Steps and by Whom
  9. AOB (5 mins)
  10. Adjourn
