When | What | Whom |
27 Nov 2023 | Introduction of new members & overview of approach & next steps - Commence review of Recommendation 17.2 (expanding scope of financial support) | SME: Zeina Bou Harb (GAC), Jim Prendergast (RySG), Karen Bernstein (IPC), Tijani Ben Jamaa (ALAC), Reema Moussa (NCSG) Alt: Jason Merritt (GAC), Greg Shatan (ALAC), Namra Naseer (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC)
04 Dec 2023 | - Recommendation 17.2 (expanding scope of financial support) – continue deliberations - Commence review of Recommendation 22.7 (exemption from Continued Operations Instrument (COI)) | SME: Tijani Ben Jamaa (17.2) (ALAC), Reema Moussa (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Jim Prendergast (17.2) (RySG), Sebastien Ducos (22.7) (RySG), Nigel Hickson (GAC) Alt: Greg Shatan (ALAC), Karen Day (22.7) (RySG), Jason Merritt (GAC) |
11 Dec 2023 | - Recommendation 17.2 (expanding scope of financial support) – finalize deliberations - Recommendation 22.7 (exemption from Continued Operations Instrument (COI)) – finalize proposed modification - Commence review of Recommendation 24.3 (updating standards of confusing similarity and string contention) & Recommendation 24.5 (single / plurals) | SME: Tijani Ben Jamaa (17.2) (ALAC), Reema Moussa (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Jim Prendergast (17.2) (RySG), Sebastien Ducos (22.7) (RySG), Nigel Hickson (GAC) Alt: Greg Shatan (ALAC), Namra Naseer (NCSG), Karen Day (22.7) (RySG), Jason Merritt (GAC) |
18 Dec 2023 | - Recommendation 24.3 (updating standards of confusing similarity and string contention) & Recommendation 24.5 (single / plurals) – continue deliberations | SME: Reema Moussa (NCSG), Karen Bernstein (IPC), Chris Disspain (RySG), Susan Anthony (GAC) Alt: Greg Shatan (ALAC), Namra Naseer (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Paul Diaz (RySG), Jason Merritt (GAC) |
08 Jan 2024 | - Recommendation 24.3 (updating standards of confusing similarity and string contention) & Recommendation 24.5 (single / plurals) – finalize deliberations - Commence review of Recommendation 9.2 (Single Registrant Exemption / Waiver) | SME: Reema Moussa (NCSG), Karen Bernstein (IPC), Chris Disspain (24.3/24.5) (RySG), Karen Day (9.2) (RySG), Susan Anthony (GAC), Greg Shatan (ALAC) Alt: Namra Naseer (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Paul Diaz (24.3/24.5) (RySG), Sebastien Ducos (9.2) (RySG), Nigel Hickson (GAC) |
16 Jan 2024 | - Recommendation 9.2 (Single Registrant Exemption / Waiver) – deliberate proposed modification | SME: Reema Moussa (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Karen Day (RySG)(apology), Susan Anthony (GAC), Greg Shatan (ALAC) (apology) Alt: Namra Naseer (NCSG), Sebastien Ducos (RySG), Jorge Cancio (GAC) |
22 Jan 2024 | - Recommendation 9.2 (Single Registrant Exemption / Waiver) – finalize proposed modification - Commence review of recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) | SME: Reema Moussa (NCSG)(apology), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Karen Day (9.2/18.1) (RySG), Susan Anthony (GAC), Greg Shatan (ALAC) Alt: Namra Naseer (NCSG), Sebastien Ducos (9.2) (RySG), Elaine Pruis (18.1) (RySG), Jorge Cancio (GAC) |
29 Jan 2024 | - Recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) – continue deliberations | SME: Reema Moussa (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Karen Day (RySG), Jorge Cancio (GAC), Greg Shatan (ALAC) Alt: Namra Naseer (NCSG), Elaine Pruis (RySG), Jason Merritt (GAC) |
05 Feb 2024 | - Recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) – continue deliberations | SME: Reema Moussa (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Karen Day (RySG), Zeina Bou Harb (GAC), Greg Shatan (ALAC) Alt: Namra Naseer (NCSG), Elaine Pruis (RySG), Jason Merritt (GAC) |
12 Feb 2024 | - Recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) – continue deliberations | SME: Reema Moussa (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Karen Day (RySG), Zeina Bou Harb (GAC), Greg Shatan (ALAC) Alt: Namra Naseer (NCSG), Elaine Pruis (RySG), Jason Merritt (GAC) |
19 Feb 2024 - THIS CALL HAS BEEN CANCELLED | - Recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) – finalize deliberations | SME: Reema Moussa (NCSG), Mike Rodenbaugh (IPC), Karen Day (RySG), Jorge Cancio (GAC), Greg Shatan (ALAC) Alt: Namra Naseer (NCSG), Elaine Pruis (RySG), Jason Merritt (GAC) |
Week of 19 Feb 2024 (TBC) | - Prep week session to brief community on proposed changes to recommendations | Small Team Plus |
2-7 March 2024 ICANN79 | - ICANN79 session to obtain community feedback on proposed changes to recommendations | Small Team Plus |
18 March 2024 | - Review of community feedback & updating of proposed modifications as deemed appropriate | Small Team Plus |
25 March 2024 | - Continued review of community feedback & updating of proposed modifications as deemed appropriate | Small Team Plus |
01 April 2024 | - Finalize review & updates of proposed modifications | Small Team Plus |
Week of 1 April 2024 | - Submit Supplemental Recommendations (modified recommendations) to the GNSO Council for its consideration | Small Team Lead |
April Council meeting | - Council consideration of Supplemental Recommendations | GNSO Council |
After April Council meeting | - Assuming Council adoption, submission to the ICANN Board of the Supplemental Recommendations | GNSO Secretariat |
May / June | - Board consideration of Supplemental Recommendations | ICANN Board |