- The GNSO Council hereby appoints Sebastien Ducos to the role of GNSO Liaison to the GAC, for a two-year term,assuming the role at the ICANN81 AGM in November 2024 and expiring at the AGM in 2026.
- The GNSO Council will review the role annually and if the review indicates and/or, at any time, the Liaison has indicated that he is no longer available to continue in this role the Council will consider Sophie Hey as alternate for the remaining period of the term if she is willing at the time, otherwise the SSC will conduct a new selection process.
- Prior to and in anticipation of the expiry of this two-year term, Council will open a new Expression of Interest process, for which the retiring Liaison, Sebastien Ducos, will be eligible to apply.
- The GNSO Council directs the GNSO Secretariat to inform the candidates and the GAC leadership of the GNSO Council’s decision.
- The GNSO Council thanks Jeff Neuman for his four years of service as the GNSO Council Liaison to the GAC.