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a.Should we launch the 3rd CSC Effectiveness Review a. Global Digital Compact? i.Default: initiate a full-scale CSC Effectiveness Review ii.Initiate a minimal CSC Effectiveness Review iii.Defer the 3rd CSC Effectiveness until recommendations from 2nd CSC Review have been implemented and/or is clear they are not implementable b.CSC Membership Selection Process Background - By mid-September ccNSO & GNSO Councils need to approve full membership slate ( required under Article 17 and Charter CSC). For discussion: How do we want to coordinate approval? 3. Meetings strategy - How we meet? Should we change the meetings format? A: Community Forum, B: Policy Forum, C: Annual General Meeting Background- Question Sally Costerton to rethink meeting strategy For discussion: Initial views, if any, ccNSO & GNSO Council members 4. Updates - Presentation Top 3 ccNSO updates A. Policy Gap Analysis B. Continuous improvement - World cafés: "Shaping the ccNSO for 2030", "Improving voting process" - Open Space Technology: "continuous improvement for the ccNSO" - Framework: "The Model for Improvement" in two stages: i. High level: What to accomplish? how to tell improvement? what change is needed? ii. Plan - Do - Study – Act cycle b C. Discuss ICANN81 JointccNSO & GNSO Councils needspurpose & goals + ccNSO FY25-26 Portfolio of activities - Top 3 gNSO updates 5. AOB - Technical Coalition 6. Closure BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS |
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ccNSO & GNSO Council members will be panelists. Observers are welcome to join and will be in listen-only and view-chat-only mode. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Audio only: Webinar ID: 922 8356 5389 |