The Council initiated the two-phased Transfer Policy Review PDP in February 2021. Since it began meeting in May 2021, the WG has made steady progress on its Phase 1 charter questions, including publishing its Phase 1A Initial Report for public comment. The WG conducted preliminary deliberations on Phase 1B topics during the Phase 1A Initial Report public comment period, then reviewed public comments on the Phase 1A Initial Report, and is now completing revisions to preliminary recommendations, taking into account public comment received. .
In the course of Phase 1 work conducted to date, the WG discovered that certain Phase 2 topics must be addressed before Phase 1 recommendations can be fully developed. As a result, the leadership team is preparing a PCR to update its work plan to consolidate all work into a single phase and change the order in which topics are considered. This will impact the timeline for key deliverables. In order to ensure that Council fully understands the potential changes prior to being asked to accept the Project Change Request (PCR), the changes and potential implications will be shared with the Council.