Drafting Team Work Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yeydtqli8UWOrrvChIf9EMprGxo0pOr5lcadM-n0PnY/edit
Heather Forrest's Presentation: GNSO Bylaws DT Briefing for GNSO Council 24 Oct 2019v3.pdf
Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Empowered Community Approval Action on Fundamental Bylaws Amendment re IANA Naming Function Review Composition
ICANN Board letter to GNSO Council agreeing to vote deferral: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/chalaby-to-drazek-04jun19-en.pdf
IDN Scoping Team Presentation slide deck
Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP 3.0 Small Group Update/Discussion
Package two: https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/council/2019-September/023075.html
PDP 3.0 Presentation slide deck
Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN Transfer Policy - Gaining Registrar Form of Authorization