Motion to extend the GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Project by adding implementation of specific WS2 items
Submitted by: Tomslin Samme-Nlar
Seconded by:
Philippe Fouquart
- The GNSO Council initiated the GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Project on 16 June 2021;
- As part of this Framework, a Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) was established;
- The CCOICI reported to the GNSO Council that it completed its work on its assignment concerning the review of the Working Group Self-Assessment (WGSA) for now;
- Evaluation of the pilot is not expected to happen until the GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) Task Force (TF), which was also formed under this framework, has completed its work;
- The original framework also suggested that remaining Accountability Workstream 2 (WS2) items could be dealt with as part of this framework;
- The Council’s resolution noted that “For the time being, the items that are expected to be addressed as part of the Framework (inlc. WS2, Policy & Implementation, PDP 3.0, Empowered Community, ATRT3, GNSO Review) will be moved to a section in the ADR with no timeframe associated with them as the timing will be determined as a result of the pilot. However, this does not prevent the Council from determining if one or more of these items need to be addressed in a different manner before the pilot concludes, for example, as a result of external factors or changes in the dependencies that were identified”;
- A recent update to the GNSO Council provided an update on the implementation of community-directed WS2 items and identified a select number of specific outstanding items that require Council consideration for which it was suggested that the CCOICI could take these on;
- The GNSO Council has considered these specific outstanding items and the role that the CCOICI could play in addressing these.