Motion - IANA Naming Functions Contract Amendment
Submitted by: Pam Little
Seconded by: Tomslin Samme-Nlar
- On 16 September 2018, the first IANA Function Review (IFR) was convened by the ICANN Board, in compliance with Article 18 of the ICANN Bylaws. The IFR Team (IFRT) published its Initial Report for public comment on 08 October 2020.
- The IFRT developed four recommendations, with Recommendation 4 suggesting an amendment to the IANA Naming Function Contract. The IFRT followed the Bylaws required steps regarding contract amendment recommendations found in Section 18.6, which include consultation with the ICANN Board, consultation with the Customer Standing Committee, conducting a public input session for ccTLD and gTLD registry operators, and to conduct a public comment proceeding on the amendment.
- Pursuant to the ICANN Bylaws Section 18.6 (b)(i), IFR Recommendations requiring a contract amendment must be approved by a supermajority vote of the ccNSO Council and GNSO Councils.
- The GNSO Council approves Recommendation 4 contained in the IFR Final Report, which recommends that Article VII, Section 7.1 (a) of the IANA Naming Function contract be amended to remove this statement, "The relevant policies under which the changes are made shall be noted within each monthly report" be removed from the IANA Naming Function contract.
- The GNSO Council requests the GNSO Secretariat to communicate this decision to the Co-Chairs of the IFRT and relevant ICANN staff accordingly.
Approval of the Charter for the Working Group to Conduct a Policy Development Process to Review the Transfer Policy
- The GNSO Council approves the Charter of the PDP to Review the Transfer Policy.
- The GNSO Council directs staff to: (a) communicate the results of this motion to the GNSO SG/Cs as well as ICANN SO/ACs and invite them to identify members and alternates for the working group following the working group composition described in the Charter; (b) initiate a call for expressions of interest seeking interested candidates to chair the PDP to Review the Transfer Policy.
Motion - IANA Naming Functions Contract Amendment
Submitted by: Pam Little
Seconded by: Tomslin Samme-Nlar
- On 16 September 2018, the first IANA Function Review (IFR) was convened by the ICANN Board, in compliance with Article 18 of the ICANN Bylaws. The IFR Team (IFRT) published its Initial Report for public comment on 08 October 2020.
- The IFRT developed four recommendations, with Recommendation 4 suggesting an amendment to the IANA Naming Function Contract. The IFRT followed the Bylaws required steps regarding contract amendment recommendations found in Section 18.6, which include consultation with the ICANN Board, consultation with the Customer Standing Committee, conducting a public input session for ccTLD and gTLD registry operators, and to conduct a public comment proceeding on the amendment.
- Pursuant to the ICANN Bylaws Section 18.6 (b)(i), IFR Recommendations requiring a contract amendment must be approved by a supermajority vote of the ccNSO Council and GNSO Councils.
- The GNSO Council approves Recommendation 4 contained in the IFR Final Report, which recommends that Article VII, Section 7.1 (a) of the IANA Naming Function contract be amended to remove this statement, "The relevant policies under which the changes are made shall be noted within each monthly report" be removed from the IANA Naming Function contract.
- The GNSO Council requests the GNSO Secretariat to communicate this decision to the Co-Chairs of the IFRT and relevant ICANN staff accordingly.