1. The GNSO Council adopts the GNSO Standing Committee on Budget and Operations (SCBO) charter on a permanent basis (see: https://communitygnso.icann.org/sites/downloaddefault/files/attachments/74580767/gnso-council-budget-charter_v1.0.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1515083358000&api=v2file/field-file-attach/draft-icann-budget-operations-charter-21dec17-en.pdf);
2. The GNSO Council thanks the Council members and subject matter experts for their contributions through the FY19 budget planning cycle;
3. The GNSO Council will appoint the incoming Council Chair as the Council liaison to the SCBO and add Council Vice-Chairs as observers;
4. The GNSO Council instructs the GNSO Secretariat to launch a fresh call for volunteers per the membership criteria outlined in the SCBO Charter as soon as possible; and
5. The GNSO Council tasks the SCBO to carry out the review and comment formulation for future ICANN fiscal-year draft budget planning cycles and to submit its proposed recommendations to the GNSO Council with sufficient time for its consideration.