- The GNSO Council adopts all the PDP Working Group’s final recommendations as contained in the Final Report.
- The GNSO Council thanks the members of the PDP Working Group for their hard work in developing the recommendations.
- Should the PDP recommendations be adopted by the ICANN Board, the GNSO Council directs ICANN staff to convene an Implementation Review Team. The Implementation Review Team will be tasked with assisting ICANN staff in developing the implementation details for the PDP recommendations, evaluating the proposed implementation of the recommendations as approved by the Board, and working with ICANN staff to ensure that the resultant implementation conforms to the intent of the approved recommendations. The Implementation Review Team shall operate in accordance with the Implementation Review Team Principles and Guidance approved by the GNSO Council in June 2015.
- The GNSO Council requests that, following the adoption by the ICANN Board of the PDP recommendations, ICANN staff issue a call for volunteers for the Implementation Review Team, to be circulated at a minimum to the members of the PDP Working Group.
Motion to recommend the implementation of certain improvements to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP 3.0)
Submitted by Rafik Dammak
Seconded by
1. In January 2018, the GNSO Council held an inaugural three-day Strategic Planning Session during which it, amongst other activities, reviewed the workload for the year ahead and identified potential milestones, noting that the current average timeline for delivery of an Initial Report has increased at least 2-4 times compared to previous PDPs.
2. The GNSO Council began identify challenges being encountered in PDPs, informed by a staff discussion paper on optimizing increased engagement and participation while ensuring efficient and effective policy development.
3. In order to engage the broader GNSO community in this discussion, the GNSO Council organized a collaborative session involving the members of the current PDP Leadership Teams as well as the broader community to summarize key points from the Strategic Planning Session, elaborate on the challenges that PDPs presently face and identified, and begin to brainstorm possible solutions.
4. As a result of these discussions, staff was tasked to publish a discussion paper that synthesizes the challenges that were identified as part of these discussions as well as possible improvements — both immediate and longer term — that the Council and PDP Working Groups could consider implementing to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of GNSO policy development activities. This discussion paper was published on 8 May 2018 (see https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/pdp-discussion-paper-11may18-en.pdf).
5. GNSO Stakeholder Groups, Constituencies as well as other SO/ACs were invited to provide their input and feedback on the discussion paper. A summary report of the feedback received was shared with the Council on 10 September 2018 (see https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/pdp-summary-feedback-10sep18-en.pdf) followed by a dedicated webinar on 11 September 2018 to further review and discuss the input received (see https://participate.icann.org/p1s5rcio69b/).
6. Based on the input received as well as the subsequent webinar, Council leadership developed a proposed GNSO PDP 3.0 Final Report and Recommendations for Council consideration (see [include link]).
7. The GNSO Council and broader community reviewed and discussed the GNSO PDP 3.0 Final Report and Recommendations during the GNSO Weekend Session at ICANN63 (Oct 2018).
1. The GNSO Council hereby adopts the GNSO PDP 3.0 Final Report and Recommendations and instructs GNSO Support Staff to work with the incoming Council leadership on the roll out of the Implementation Plan.
2. The GNSO Council requests the incoming 2018/19 Council leadership to report on a quarterly basis on the status of implementation.
3. The GNSO Council thanks all those that have contributed to the discussions on GNSO PDP 3.0 as well as the proposed improvements to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the GNSO PDP.