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Please note that all documents referenced in the agenda have been gathered on a Wiki page for convenience and easier access:


The IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms PDP WG had been working to resolve a final recommendation relating to IGO jurisdictional immunity and registrants’ rights to file court proceedings. The WG has sought to determine consensus on a set of options for this final recommendation, as well as for all other recommendations. The WG Chair has proposed his determination of consensus levels for all recommendations, which the WG has affirmed. On 27 June 2018, the GNSO Council passed a resolution, thanking the PDP WG for its efforts and requesting that it submit its Final Report in time for the 19 July 2018 Council meeting.


Here, with an intention to consider the topic of curative rights protections for IGOs in the broader context of appropriate overall scope of protection for all IGO identifiers, the GNSO Council will vote to accept the Final Report from the IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Mechanisms PDP Working Group and review it between now and its August 2018 meeting, with the goal of developing a possible path forward to also resolve the inconsistencies between GAC Advice and prior GNSO policy recommendations on the overall scope of IGO protections.

4.1 – Presentation of motion (Susan Kawaguchi, Council liaison to the WG)


On 11 May 2018, ICANN released theTemporary Specification on gTLD Registration Data, which served as the main agenda topic for the subsequent Board Workshop in Vancouver. This proposed Temporary Specification provides an interim solution until the community completes a policy development process on the temporary specification which is expected to complete within a one year period.

On 14 May 2018, ICANN released arevised Temporary Specification and scheduled a webinar on 15 May 2018 to discuss the topic. The Board passed aresolution, noting their intent to adopt the Temporary Specification on or around 17 May 2018.

On 17 May 2017, the ICANN Boardapproved the proposedTemporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data, which establishes temporary requirements for how ICANN and its Contracted Parties will comply with both ICANN contractual requirements and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). On 21 May 2018, the Council and SG/C chairs met to discuss possible next steps for the ICANN Board adoption of the Temporary Specification.

On its 24 May 2018 meeting, the Council discussed possible next steps following ICANN Board adoption of the Temporary Specification. On 5 June 2018, the Council met with the ICANN Board to discuss a set of questions the Council and ICANN Board developed, as well as overall next steps. Subsequently, Council leadership and staff developed a Mindmapto help understand the elements around a potential Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP), such as timing, team composition, and planning for ICANN62.


Here, the Council will vote to initiate an EPDP on the Temporary Specification, as well as to adopt the EPDP’s charter.

5.1 – Presentation of motion (Council Leadership)


The Cross Community Working Group on Accountability, Work Stream 2 (CCWG-Accountability WS2), focused on addressing accountability topics that may be resolved after the IANA Stewardship Transition. In March of 2018, the CCWG-Accountability WS2 completed its Final Report, for which it sought public comment. Comment received did not result in any substantive changes to the Final Report. On 24 June 2018, at ICANN62, the CCWG-Accountability WS2 held its final meeting, thus concluding its work.


In January 2018, the GNSO Council held an inaugural three-day Strategic Planning Session. On Day 3 of this meeting, the GNSO Council reviewed the workload for the year ahead and identified potential milestones, noting that the current average timeline for delivery of an Initial Report has increased at least 2-4 times compared to previous PDPs. In addition to noting the increased duration of the PDP lifecycle, the Council began to identify challenges being encountered in PDPs, informed by a staff discussion paper on optimizing increased engagement and participation while ensuring efficient and effective policy development.

The effort to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the GNSO PDP process is called GNSO PDP 3.0. On 11 May 2018, a summary paper was shared with the Council, summarizing input received to date, as well as some proposed incremental improvements. The Council members and their respective Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies were invited to provide input by 15 August 2018, after which it was anticipated that an implementation plan could be developed for Council consideration.


The GNSO Council tasked the GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) to carry out the review and selection of GNSO endorsed candidates for the ATRT3 for Council consideration. The SSC submitted its full consensus recommendations to the GNSO Council on 13 September 2017, which confirmed the ranking of the 1-7 candidates as well as the expectation that, at a minimum, the 1-3 candidates would be considered primary candidates with a guaranteed seat for the ATRT3.
