- The Customer Standing Committee (CSC) was established as one of the post IANA Transition entities and conducted its first meeting on 6 October 2016.
- The ICANN Bylaws, Section 17.3 (c) and the CSC Charter required the ccNSO and RySG to conduct a review of the CSC Charter one year after the first meeting of the CSC.
- In May 2017, a drafting team appointed by the ccNSO and RySG developed a Terms of Reference for the Charter Review, which was subsequently adopted by the ccNSO and RySG in July 2017.
- The ccNSO and RySG appointed members to form the Charter Review Team from their respective SO and SG to conduct a review of the CSC Charter in accordance with the Terms of Reference.
- The Charter Review Team conducted a series of consultations with the CSC, the direct customers of the IANA naming function, the independent PTI Directors, and the community at large and published an Initial Report of their findings and an Amended CSC Charter for public comment on 11 April 2018 until 1 June 2018.
- The GNSO Council discussed the Initial Report during their meeting of 24 May 2018, and submitted comments on the Initial Report as part of the public comment process.
- The public comment period resulted in a number of comments that were considered and addressed by the Charter Review Team in their Final Report and Amended Charter.
- The GNSO Council, along with the ccNSO Council, is required to ratify any recommended changes to the CSC Charter.
- The ccNSO and GNSO Councils discussed the Charter Review process during their most recent face-to-face meeting in San Juan, on 12 March 2018, and are expected to discuss the Final Report Review and Amended Charter Charter at the forthcoming ICANN meeting in Panama, on 27 June 2018.