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GNSO Council Meeting Audio Cast
On its 24 May 2018 meeting, the Council discussed possible next steps following ICANN Board adoption of the Temporary Specification. On 5 June 2018, the Council met with the ICANN Board to discuss a set of questions the Council developed, as well as overall next steps. Subsequently, Council leadership and staff developed a Mindmap to help understand the elements around a potential Expedited Policy Development Process, such as timing, team composition, and planning for ICANN62. ICANN Org Operations and Policy Research created a Section Mapping to ICANN Registry and Registrar Accreditation Agreements in regard to the Temporary Specification on gTLD Registration Data ("Temp Spec") which was circulated on to the Council list on 12 June 2018 (https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/council/2018-June/021456.html).
Here, the Council will continue its discussion from its 24 May 2018 meeting to discuss and plan for its next steps to begin work on the policy development process related to the Temporary Specification.
72.1 – Update (Council Leadership)
72.2 – Council discussion
72.3 – Next steps
Item 3: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (0 minutes)
DST starts/ends on Sunday 28 of October 2018, 2:00 or 3:00 local time (with exceptions) for EU countries and on Sunday 4 of November 2018 for the US.
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