As discussed during ICANN59 in Johannesburg, the GNSO Council is looking to form a Standing Committee consisting of interested GNSO Council members focused on the ICANN Budget and Operational Plan. You will recall that the GNSO Council submitted comments as part of the FY17 & FY18 ICANN draft budget and operating plans. These past efforts have been ad hoc and somewhat reactionary. Given changes to the ICANN bylaws and the new powers afforded to the Empowered Community, one of which is the power to reject the ICANN budget, it was discussed that the formation of this new Standing Committee could formalize the Council’s consideration of future budget cycles in a more proactive and continuous manner. A draft call for volunteers (page 1) and a draft charter (remaining pages) [BC1] were created and available for review and provide further context.context (https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/draft-icann-budget-operations-charter-04oct17-en.pdf)
Here, the Council will discuss the path forward and determine overall interest in the formation of this standing committee.
54.1 - Presentation of discussion topic (James Bladel)
54.2 – Council discussion
54.3 – Next steps
Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Future ICANN meeting planning (15 minutes)
Here, the Council will discuss the path forward for review of existing suggested adjustments and possible formulation of its own adjustments to the ICANN meeting strategy.
45.1 - Presentation of discussion topic (Council leadership)
45.2 – Council discussion
45.3 – Next steps
Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Planning for ICANN60 (10 minutes)