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Submitted by Julf Helsingius

Seconded by James Bladel



  1. On 19 January 2017, the GNSO Council nominated (see the following candidates to serve on the SSR2-RT (in alphabetical order): James Gannon, Denise Michel, and Emily Taylor as its primary three candidates for the SSR2-RT, noting that these candidates under the new ICANN Bylaws are entitled to be selected. Furthermore, the GNSO nominated (in alphabetical order): Howard Eland, Scott McCormick, Rao Naveed bin Rais, and Norm Ritchie to be considered for inclusion in the SSR2-RT by the SO-AC Chairs should additional places be available.
  2. On 14 February 2017, ICANN announced the selection of the 16-member team (see, which included the three primary candidates nominated by the GNSO Council.
  3. On 16 July 2017, Emily Taylor submitted her resignation to the SSR2-RT (see
  4. The GNSO Council tasked the GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) with recommending a replacement candidate, taking into account the criteria outlined in the call for volunteers as well as the desire to ensure a RT that is balanced for diversity and expertise (
  5. Out of the four candidates that were nominated in the initial selection process for consideration, beyond those that were entitled to be selected, the following three expressed that they were still interested in serving on the SSR2-RT: Scott McCormick, Rao Naveed bin Rais, and Norm Ritchie.
  6. The SSC submitted its recommendation to the GNSO Council on [date].
  7. The GNSO Council considered the recommendation of the SSC.
