5.3 – Council vote (voting threshold: simple majority)
Item 6. COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Changing the Name of the GNSO (15 minutes)
Some in the community have noted that as domain name are available globally, the term “generic” has certain meanings to different parts of the ICANN community, that the usage of “generic” to describe a .brand is potentially confusing, and among other reasons, that it might make sense to substitute the word “Generic” for “Global” in Generic Names Supporting Organization.
To consider this change, some on the GNSO Council have suggested that a narrowly scoped Drafting Team should be formed to determine whether a change of this nature is recommended and if so, develop a proposed implementation plan to effectuate that change.
Here, the Council will discuss whether it supports the premise of changing the name of the GNSO and if so, what next steps might be.
6.1 – Presentation of discussion topic (Paul McGrady)
6.2 – Council discussion
6.3 – Next Steps
Item 6: Report from chairs on our call with Subsequent Procedures (“SubPro”) PDP co-chairs, regarding the creation of Work Track 5 (WT5)
Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Review of the Revised ICANN Procedure for Handling Whois Conflicts with Privacy Law (20 minutes)
On 1 August 2017, the Council received a letter from Akram Attalah, providing a collection of possible options for proceeding with the review, and offering to discuss those options or others identified by Council.
Here, the Council will receive an update from GDD staff and discuss options for moving forward with the review of the Whois Procedure.
7.1 – Update on current status (GDD, GNSO Council chairs)
7.2 – Council Discussion
Item 9: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (15 minutes)
9.1 – Report from chairs on our call with Subsequent Procedures (“SubPro”) PDP co-chairs, regarding the creation of Work Track 5 (WT5)
9.2 1 – Update from CCWG-ACCT WS2
9.3 2 - New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG Work Track 4 data request - Clarifying Questions