List of applications received for the RDS Review Team: https://community.icann.org/x/gYfDAw
Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Appointment of New GNSO Co-Chair for the Cross Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds
Appointment of GNSO Members and GNSO Co-Chair to the New Cross Community Working Group for New gTLD Auction Proceeds (15 December 2016): https://gnso.icann.org/en/council/resolutions#20161215-1
Email from Jonathan Robinson informing the CCWG and the Council that he will be stepping down as GNSO co-chair, and requesting that the Council appoint a successor as soon as is reasonably possible (9 February 2017): http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ccwg-auctionproceeds/2017-February/000080.html
Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Preparation for Joint Meetings at ICANN58
Draft list of topics for meetings at ICANN58 with the ICANN Board, Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), and ccNSO Council (circulated to the Council on 10 February 2017): https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/council/2017-February/019740.htmlItem 9
Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Finalizing the GNSO Meeting Schedule for ICANN58
Draft ICANN block meeting schedule for ICANN58 (17 January 2017): https://meetings.icann.org/sites/default/files/icann58_blocksched_jan17.pdf
Draft GNSO block meeting schedule for ICANN58 (31 January 2017): https://gnso.icann.org/en/council/drafts
Item 11: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Proposed Council Response Request in relation to Letter from Thick WHOIS Implementation Review Team
Letter from the Thick WHOIS Implementation Review Team (IRT) to the GNSO Council describing privacy law developments and how the IRT has considered them (15 December 2016): https://gnso.icann.org/en/correspondence/irt-to-gnso-council-15dec16-en.pdf
Proposed Implementation of GNSO Thick RDDS (Whois) Transition Policy for .COM, .NET, and .JOBs, published for public comment (26 October 2016): https://www.icann.org/public-comments/proposed-implementation-gnso-thick-rdds-whois-transition-2016-10-26-en
Proposed response to the IRT letter from the Council Draft Council request drafted by Erika Mann and Michele Neylon for an update on the legal review that had been done previously (2 February 2017): https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/request-review-thick-whois-irt-03feb17-en.pdf
Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Finalizing the GNSO Meeting Schedule for ICANN58
Draft ICANN block meeting schedule for ICANN58 (17 January 2017): https://meetings.icann.org/sites/default/files/icann58_blocksched_jan17.pdf
Draft GNSO block meeting schedule for ICANN58 (31 January 2017): https://gnso.icann.org/en/council/drafts