Withdrawn 9 March 2016
Proposed by: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
Seconded by: Amr Elsadr
- The GNSO Review Working Party was formed to serve as a liaison between the GNSO, the independent examiner and the ICANN Board’s Organizational Effectiveness Committee.
- Each GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency appointed representatives to serve on the Working Party.
- The GNSO Review Working Party provided input on the review criteria, 360 assessment and served as a conduit for input from GNSO Stakeholder Groups, Constituencies as well as the GNSO Council.
- The GNSO Review Working Party offered guidance to the independent examiner to ensure the draft report accurately reflects the GNSO structure, scope and dynamics.
- The Final Report of the independent examiner was published on 15 September 2015 (see https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/gnso-review-final-15sep15-en.pdf) and contained 36 recommendations in the areas of: participation & representation, continuous development, transparency and alignment with ICANN’s future.
- The GNSO Review Working Party reviewed the recommendations and conducted a feasibility and prioritization analysis (see:
http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/review-feasibility-prioritization-25feb16-en.pdf), which it submitted to the GNSO Council on 28 February 2016.
- The GNSO Council reviewed the feasibility and prioritization analysis provided by the GNSO Review Working Party.