Motion to adopt the GNSO Review Working Party’s feasibility and prioritization analysis of the GNSO Review Recommendations
Motion withdrawn 9 March 2016
Made by: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
1.The GNSO Council approves the amended Charter and appoints [PLACEHOLDER] Phil Corwin as the GNSO Council liaison to the PDP Working Group for the Review of All RPMs in All gTLDs.
2.The GNSO Council directs ICANN staff to issue a call for volunteers for the PDP Working Group after the approval of this motion. The call for volunteers should be circulated as widely as possible in order to ensure broad representation and participation in the Working Group and initiated no later than [PLACEHOLDER]than 21 Days after the approval.
3. Until such time as the PDP Working Group selects a chair(s) for the Working Group and that chair(s) is confirmed by the GNSO Council, the GNSO Council liaison to the Working Group shall serve as the interim chair.
4. The GNSO Council directs, consistent with the Charter, that a liaison between this PDP Working Group and that for the PDP on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures be appointed as soon as both PDP Working Groups are convened, in order to assure consistent communication and coordination between the two Working Groups, including ensuring that any issues identified by either Working Group relating to existing or potential RPMs that are not covered by the scope of the respective Charters are referred to the appropriate Working Group by the GNSO Council in a timely manner.