Based on Strawman charter Version 4 Alternative 1
Proposed Charter (V5)
1 Introduction and Background
Each of the participating SOs and ACs has adopted this charter according to its own rules and procedures, which is recorded in Annex A of this charter.
2 Objective and Scope
The Community Working Group on Internet governance (CWG Ig) has been established as part of the ICANN Community’s preparation for the /1Net initiative, the Multi-stakeholder Meeting in Brazil in 2014, as well as the Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation and related Fora to coordinate, facilitate, and increase the participation of the ICANN community members in these fora and processes.
CWG papers and other activities must include a clear statement indicating whether the paper or activity has been endorsed by the chartering organizations or not.
The scope of activities of the CWG is to do whatever it deems relevant and necessary to facilitate and improve participation in the multistakeholder fora in which ICANN is, or should be, a participant..
- Organizing SO and AC focused sessions at ICANN events;
- Disseminate and summarise information relevant and related to the Internet Governance events and processes defined before
- Draft and submit Position Papers and Statements on its own behalf
3. Deliverables and Timeframes
Work Plan
As a first step the cWG should establish and adopt an initial work plan and an associated schedule. The work plan and schedule should include the relevant schedule of activities of the WG related to the relevant Internet Governance events, and schedule and methods for informing the participating SO’s, AC’s and broader community on progress made. The initial work plan and schedule should be published on the web page of the WG. The Co-Chairs will be responsible for maintaining and updating the work plan and schedule and for informing the Chairs of the participating SO’s and AC’s of changes made to the work plan and schedule.
Work on substantive issue need not wait for the completion of work plan and associated schedule.
Progress Paper
The Co-Chairs of the WG shall regularly update the participating SO’s and AC’s on the activities of the cWG. At appropriate times, as identified in the work plan, the WG shall produce a Progress Paper on progress made and its activities to inform the broader community.
Position Papers and Statements
The WG may, as part of its activities and on its own behalf, take a position and provide input to the public fora through Position Papers or Statements and relate this position or statement to ICANN, the Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees and external fora. The participating SO’s and AC’s collectively or individually, and others will be invited to endorse or support the position or statements of the WG.
4. Process for the development of a Position Paper or Statement
WG Interim Paper or draft Statement
The WG, at its own discretion, may publish for public consultation an Interim Paper, which will contain a review and analysis of the topics it considers relevant. If appropriate an Interim Paper shall be published for public consultation at the time designated in the WG work plan
Review of Interim Paper
After closure of the public consultation on the Interim Paper, the cWG shall review and analyse the comments received and may, at its reasonable discretion, provide appropriate responses. The WG shall, at its reasonable discretion, not be obligated to address all comments made during the comment period, nor shall the WG be obligated at its reasonable discretion to include all comments submitted by any one individual or organisation.
WG Position Paper or Statement
In considering a WG Position Paper or Statement the WG shall seek to act by consensus. The consensus view of the members of the CWG shall be conveyed to the participating SO’s and AC’s. If a minority disagrees with a consensus position, that minority position shall be included in the Paper or Statement. The Paper shall be published within seven days after adoption of the Paper by the CWG and conveyed to the chairs of the participating SO’s and AC’s.
SO and AC support for the Position Paper or Statement
This and following paragraphs depend on the nature of the WG
5. Members, Staffing, and Organization
A. Membership
Membership in the CWG is open to members of the participating ICANN SOs and ACs. Each of the participating SOs and ACs shall appoint members to the WG in accordance with their own rules and procedures, which includes a providing a Statement of Interest if required. There shall be a minimum of one representative from each participating SO and AC and a maximum of five (5) representatives from each participating SO and AC.
Participants, liaisons and observers will be listed on the working group’s webpage.
B Support staff and Tools
ICANN is expected to provide adequate staff support to the WG.
- CWG Wiki Workspace at (URL TBD)
- CWG Email List Subscriptions (TBD); and
- CWG SOI Repository, if appropriate, at (URL TBD)
C Working Group Methodology
Making Decisions
In considering its work plan, Papers and Final Report the CWG shall seek to act by consensus. If a minority opposes a consensus position, that minority position shall be incorporated in the related paper. The Co-Chairs shall be responsible for designating each position as having one of the following designations:
Consensus calls should always make best efforts to involve the entire CWG. It is the role of the Co-Chairs to designate which level of consensus is reached and announce this designation to the WG.
6. Omission in or Unreasonable Impact of Charter
In the event this charter does not provide guidance and/or the impact of the charter is unreasonable for conducting the business of the WG, the Co-Chairs of the CWG shall decide within reason after consultation with the group, Iin emergency the Co-Chair may decide without prior consultation, but are required to report the emergency and decision to the membership.
In the event it is decided that the charter needs to be modified to address the omission or unreasonable impact, the Co-Chairs, after discussion with the CWG, may propose to modify the charter to the participating SO’s and AC’s. A modification shall only be effective after adoption of the adjusted charter by the participating SOs and ACs in accordance with their own rules and procedures.
7. Closure and Working Group
Each year, starting by 20 December 2014, the charter and deliverables of the CWG shall be reviewed by the participating SO’s and AC’s to determine whether the WG should continue or, close and be dissolved. The CWG will continue if at least two of the participating SO’s or AC”s extend the charter of the CWG and notify the other participating SO’s and AC’s accordingly before the annual extension date. The notifications will be included in Annex A.
8. Charter Document History
This section records key changes to the WG Charter that take place after the adoption of the Charter.