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  •  Marilyn to send updates to Alex Dans for the IG Calendar
  •  Marilyn to follow-up with Nigel on the use of Regional IGFs as “semi regional preparatory events for WSIS+10 review” 
  •  Marilyn and Nigel to gather information on the WSIS process and send to the mailing list to help with the decision on whether the CCWG IG would make a statement




  •  Next call to focus on the deadlines for the events where the CCWG IG would like to provide input, as they did for NETMundial
  •  Next call to have as agenda item "WSIS Forum"



  •  Marilyn and Nigel to gather information on the WSIS process and send to the mailing list to help with the decision on whether the CCWG IG would make a statement