3. Various updates (10 min)
(Click Here for the Emailed update)
- Update from ICANN on their IG activities (Nigel)
- Update on broader IG Calendar (Marilyn)
- Update from UNESCO's Connecting the Dots Conference (Marilyn, Nigel)
- Update on MWC conference (Nigel)
4. ICANN & Community participation at IGF (10 min)
- Use of regional IGFs as “semi regional preparatory events for WSIS+10 review” (Marilyn)
- IGF – Call for Proposals – Participation (Nigel)
5. CCWG IG discussions (Marilyn) (10 min)
6. Planning for IG Events in 2015 (10 min)
- WSIS+10 review
- Internet Governance Public Session at ICANN53 in Buenos Aires