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A G E N D A  

Standing Agenda Items

1.       Welcome from co-chairs and roll call (5 min)

2.       Review of Action Items from Singapore Meeting (10 min)


  • Co-Chairs will write to chartered SO/AC to see if there is "no-objection reply" to widening CCWG on IG participants. 
  • Co-Chairs will seek additional co-chairs from the other AC/SO.  GAC participation was noted as important. 
  • Specifically on WSIS Forum, for staff to work with CCWG on IG.
  • Regular IG Report to be circulated ahead of each ICANN Meeting. 



  • Nigel to work with Bill to finalize language that is to go on the website for the Thursday IG session.
  • Agenda for Thursday to be amended as per discussion; sole issue will be NMI and IG issues; with specific mention of IGF, WSIS and UNESCO

3.       Various updates (10 min)

              Update from ICANN on their IG activities (Nigel) 


              Update on MWC conference (Nigel)3

4.       ICANN & Community participation at IGF (10 min)

              Use of regional IGFs as “semi regional preparatory events for WSIS+10 review” (Marilyn)

              IGF – Call for Proposals – Participation (Nigel)4

5.       CCWG IG discussions (Marilyn) (10 min)


6.       Planning for IG Events in 2015 (10 min)

              WSIS+10 review

              Internet Governance Public Session at ICANN53 in Buenos Aires  6

7.       AOB (5 min)