Manal Ismail (GAC-ICG-Participant):Sorry I seem to be on the wrong call ..
Manal Ismail (GAC-ICG-Participant):apologies !!
Manal Ismail (GAC-ICG-Participant)::)
Manal Ismail (GAC-ICG-Participant):I can wait till u have more participants ;)
Manal Ismail (GAC-ICG-Participant):Sorry have to go .. best of luck and looking forward to discussions in SIngapore ..
Renate De Wulf:thank you Manal
Alain Bidron:Hi every one
Alain Bidron:Is the audio working
Renate De Wulf:through the Adigo bridge
Alain Bidron:Ah I'll try to connect through adigo
Renate De Wulf:Alain, I have just given mic rights to everyone
Alain Bidron:Perfect thanks Renate
Alain Bidron:Agree that 30 mn is short on NMI
Bill Drake:I would prefer a non-panel formulation as indicated some time ago
Sally Costerton:Hi Bill
Sally Costerton:what do you think of my suggestion for a head to head?
Sally Costerton:this way we can really focus on the topics ahead of the session
Sally Costerton:and make sure it's aired properly and actionable.
Bill Drake:H2H or open group ok
rafik:what we mean by head to head?
Bill Drake:I thought months ago we were moving away from panels and was puzzled by the reversion, to be honest. especially if the first one is on NMI and you're aslking people not involved to talk about it rather than people who are
Bill Drake:you cannot hear me
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:no at the moment not
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:would you like a dial-out?
Renate De Wulf:the mic in the room should be working but we can dial you into the room
Renate De Wulf:bridge
Marilia Maciel:i agree with sally
Bill Drake:I could facilitate the first bit if you want
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:First bit = Topic 1?
Bill Drake:my connection is terrible. I'm fine with whatever you who are able to communicate well decide
Bill Drake:but I strongly prefer facilitated open conversations to talking head panels
Bill Drake:yes
Bill Drake:my hotel is not the conference center
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:appreciated that you can make it, Bill
Sally Costerton:That should be achievable on topic 1 I think
Bill Drake:there is a TON of Internet stuff happening in Davos
Bill Drake:but we need to keep WEF's workstream and NMI separate
Sally Costerton:Yes I think clarity on the WEF/NMI split would be very usefully addressed during Topic 1
Sally Costerton:could we do the update in writing ahead of the session?
Bill Drake:and here too Sally
Sally Costerton:maybe Tarek do a blog?
Bill Drake:yes update via writing
Sally Costerton:right. Is it unclear at Davos?
Bill Drake:um, er...
Bill Drake:clarity is variable
Sally Costerton:we can make sure the blog is promoted on the social networks ahead of the session
Sally Costerton:or Nigel or AR :-)
Bill Drake:I have lunch next week with Tarek and can also discuss
Sally Costerton:Thanks Bill. Good idea.
Sally Costerton:maybe we can use that discussion in the f2f to get clarity on the topics for the head to head for the Thursday?
Bill Drake:I do think we should discuss the NMI TOR writing effort under topic 1 and try to get input
Sally Costerton:Even if we do request earlier, the agenda clashes are pretty consistent from meeting to meeting in my experience
Sally Costerton:Once we start rolling out the new meeting strategy working group proposal in FY16 we should get some different options on agendas during the year
Bill Drake:I lost my connection in mid sentence
Bill Drake:just so you know, there may be a preconference in BA on the Friday from the NCPH that could get into IG issues
Bill Drake:apparently not
Sally Costerton:Ok thanks for the heads up
Bill Drake:I proposed this in DC and people seem interested
Bill Drake:I proposed this in DC and people seem interested
Bill Drake:damn this is frustrating
Alain Bidron:Non Contracted Party House
Bill Drake:don't do conference calls from ski hotels
rafik:iearl eveneing UTC? that is middle night for me
Bill Drake:Rafik likes 3am in Japan
Sally Costerton:Sorry I'm going to have to drop off now . Good rest of week everyone.
rafik:jordan is UTC+15
Bill Drake:I'm sorry what day?
Renate De Wulf:thursday
Bill Drake:I missed out with broken connection
Alexandra Dans:Thanks!