2 - Finalizing the agenda of the IG Public Session being held on Thursday, February 12th from 11:15 to 12:30
TOPIC 1: 40% of total time on NMI and other IG updates = 30 minutes
TOPIC 2: 60% of total time Relation between staff and the community regarding IG ecosystem topics = 45 minutes
Depending on the type of room we'll have, we'll need to see if we have people on a head table or sitting on the round table or in the audience. We have asked for a U-shape but this is yet to be confirmed by the meetings Team.
Panel discussion with the Audience on NMI & other IG updates
Proposed people on the panel:
- Wolfgang Kleinwaechter (Special Ambassador to the Initiative)
- Janis Karklins
- Kathy Brown (ISOC)
- Ambassador Benedicto Fonseca (Brazil)