1. 1. Slides for Singapore
(Slides prepared by Mikey – Version including Jonathan's comments circulated, today, Mar. 17th, 2014, also attached)
2. Consultation Group face-to-face meeting in Singapore
(Proposed slots: Sun. 18:00 – 19:00 or Mon. 12:30 – 13:30 Singapore Local Time)
3. AoB
Updates / Action items - 4/3 meeting:
- Singapore plan of action
+ - Organize content we present
Questions we want feedback on
Example: Preliminary inventory of WGs, indicating possible areas of focus
Develop questions we might ask
Get ready for a rehearsal of the meeting on the 18th
+ - Prepare/distribute materials in advance of the meeting?
Caution: risk of overwhelming people
Note: we aren't working under standard structures, so we need to provide sufficient documentation
Charter - yes
Slide deck - maybe not
Have details available for people who are interested - links included in the announcement?
+ - Schedule of session
+- Length?
Total -- 1 hour
This topic - minimum of 30 minutes
Proportion to presentation?