1. Slideshow with NARALO ALS Unlicensed user and Unlicensed user loris.taylor and Glenn McKnight
2. Key Note Speaker:
Group to look for an inspirational speaker (someone from the disability community?) - Unlicensed user Glenn McKnight to gather proposals
Loris Taylor proposal: Jacqueine Johnson-Pata is also a good speaker. She is the Executive Director of the National Congress of American Indians
4. Potential sponsors-
Unlicensed userGlenn McKnight to follow up with Unlicensed user Olivier Crépin-Leblond regarding obtaining funds from the following:
5. Unlicensed user Silvia Vivanco to create a sign up sheet for the outreach activity in the WIKI page.
Unlicensed userSilvia Vivanco to get a model of the APRALO Business card and QR code - cost