Chat: AC Chat transcript 10 February 2014
Recording: EN
1. Welcome
And Roll Call
2. Review of Action Items
2.1. Staff - Ensure Jonathan Askin and Chris Parsons on the NARALO Mailing List
2.5. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) The ALS RALO database is to show the date of updating, please advise of status
2.7. ALAC Chair/Alan G. - Please advise on the status of the NARALO Chair request to publicly notify ICANN Compliance of issues noted in 8.1.1. and the December Monthly Report and discussed on leadership calls
2.9. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) to notify RALO leaders and the ALAC members when the RALO ALS database is updated.
2.10. Unlicensed user (Secretary): Please ensure that HETS members are added to the NARALO and At-Large Skype Chats
2.12. ALAC - NARALO Chair has made a formal request to de-certify Alberta Community Network Association under rule #16 of the NARALO Operating Principles
2.13. Staff - With the departure of Matt A. please advise on who would be the contact for automating the NARALO ALS application form - Answered (Ariel Laing
2.14. Staff - Please advise on the status of including Closed Captioning for filmed ICANN Sessions
2.23. All - Please note the February Report
2.3. Staff - Is it possible to create chair@naralo.org and secretary@naralo.org aliases to ease officer transitions? - Completed
2.11. Unlicensed user (Staff) Please update on the Native Scholarship/fellowship program - Formal Documentation Request - In Discussion
2.8. Staff - Please verify if Sarah Alkire of Youth Helping Youth Inc dba: Emerging Futures Network is on the NARALO thread mailing list - Confirmed
3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)
3.1. In Singapore
3.1.2. Tor and Alternate DNS at the FCWG session - tentative Thursday, 27 March between 8:00-9:00
3.1.3. ICANN Accessibility Taskforce Monday, 24 March 2014 Time: 14:00-15:00 Meeting Room: TBD
3.2. London ATLAS II 22 - 26 June 2014
3.2.1. ATLAS II Needs list for volunteers. (Eduardo Diaz) Will assign slots to all NARALO sponsored ALS representatives
Name | ALS | ATLAS WG | Topic for Discussion | Confluence Test |
Garth Graham | Telecommunities | Untapped potential | ||
Michael Maranda | ACN | |||
Eduardo Diaz | ISOC PR | |||
Thomas Lowenhaupt | Connectivity.nyc | Muni new gTLD group | ||
Chris Grundemann | ISOC CO | |||
Evan Leibovitch | CLUE | Yes | ||
Garth Bruen | KnujOn | Public Relations | Disabled Issues | Yes |
Alan Skuce | PCNA | |||
Glenn McKnight | FBSC | Showcase | Yes | |
Monique Chartrand | Communautique | |||
Randy Glass | AmericaAtLarge | |||
Alan Greenberg | Unaffiliated | |||
Gordon Chillicott | GTALUG | |||
Seth Reiss | IPTS | ROI working group | ||
Konstantin Kalaitzidis | ISCO SF | Digital Divide | ||
Dana Perry | AWV-CAP | ICANN Academy | ||
Jonathan Askin | ISOC NY | |||
Kerry Brown | ISOC CA | |||
Neil Schwartzman | CAUCE | |||
Chris Parsons | Privaterra | |||
Louis Houle | ISOC QC | NomCom | ||
Darlene Thompson | N-CAP | |||
Sarah Alkien | YHY | |||
Judith Hellerstein | CAG | Showcase | Yes | |
Yubelkys Montalvo | HETS |
3.2.2. ATLAS II Public Relations Subgroup
3.2.3. London Fellowship
3.3. Los Angeles 12-16 October 2014
3.5. Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance (Sao Paulo, 23-24 April) - Following along from the Montevideo Statement
3.6. Colorado Internet Society, The Future of the Internet 2014: Defining Software Defined Networks 22 August 2014
3.7. Sixth South School on Internet Governance Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 28 April to May 02, 2014 (SSIG 2014) - Fellowship Opportunity
3.8. ARIN (Chicago 13-16 April) - Proposed as CROPP
4. Review of Communication/Outreach Strategy
4.1. Efforts to engage/outreach Disabled Communities
4.1.1. Ongoing Cross-RALO engagement and with Chris Mondini
4.1.2. Cooperating with APRALO to introduce the topic in Singapore - ICANN Accessibility Taskforce Monday, 24 March 2014 Time: 14:00-15:00 Meeting Room: TBD
4.1.3. Plan to have a presentation on blind use of the Internet in London (Keynote) ICANN Needs a visually impaired staff member to coordinate visually impaired community agenda
4.1.4. Plan to have Ken Harrenstien present in Los Angeles (Keynote) YouTube's Closed Caption 'Jedi': On cc Upgrades, Searchability And Why It's Personal Author of RFC 742 NAME/FINGER ICANN Should as a standard include Closed Captioning for ALL filmed ICANN Sessions
4.2. Automation of the ALS Application (Need Staff Assistance)
4.3. CROPP appointees and work
4.3.1. Aligning CROPP with Outreach Goals
4.4. Outreach recruitment queue
4.4.1. Submit recommendations to Murray McKercher
4.x. Creation of group to liaise between different municipal TLD applicants/operators (Tom L)
5. Our Community (10 Minutes)
5.1. NARALO ALS Spotlight: Telecommunities Anthony Niiganii
6. Committee/Working Group Activity - for All WG/Committee Reports
6.1.NOMCOM Report Submitted by Louis H. (NomCom Report)
6.1.1. Suggest a Candidate
6.1.2 2014 NomCom webpage, Announcement
6.1.3. Replacement voters for Board Seat election, seat #15
6.2. Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2) Report
6.2.1. ATRT2 Comments to Board
6.3. Future Challenges Working Group
6.4. CROPP Reports
6.5. At-Large Finance and Budget Subcommittee
6.6. Privacy and Proxy services Accreditation Issues WG
6.7. Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC)
6.8. At-Large Ad-Hoc ICANN Accessibility Working Group
6.8.1. Informal Meeting Planned
6.8.2. First formal teleconference being scheduled
7. At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)
7.1 Policy Advice Development Page
7.2. Recently held meetings
8. ICANN Functions (5 Minutes) (Communication Strategy III.5)
8.1 Compliance Tracking
8.1.1. The Chair has made a formal request of ALAC to forward a list of concerns highlighted in a December Washington Post article. The full extent of the request is posted within the December NARALO Monthly Report
8.1.2. Domain Hijacking/Unauthorized Transfers How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter Username
8.2 Language and Translation
8.2.1: An abstract of the Naralo Monthly Meeting that we could post on our Web site (or RSS it), including some of the documents produced by ICANN, that we discuss and that would be worth translating to attract attention toward NARALO.
8.2.4: Staff will provide for future Election instructions en Français and en Espanol
8.3 Travel
8.3.1 All travel-sponsor related issues should be reported or copied to the Chair.
8.3.2. Travel Support Guidelines
8.3.3. Singapore Most Expensive City
8.4. New gTLDs
8.4.2. Letter from Chair on reserving At-Large related strings being drafted
8.5. On tracking travel-related reimbursement, and other staff actions, we need a better tracking system with full-disclosure. Conversations via Skype, etc, can't be tracked.
9. Any Other Business "AOB" (2 Minutes)
9.1. News
Internet governance too US-centric, says European commission
Gulf states step up policing of online media
Student ordered to pay $100,000 over Twitter defamation of teacher
Why is American internet so slow?
Welcome to Hell: Photographer documents Africa’s e-waste nightmare
10. Action Items
10.1 Previously Closed Action Items
3. Overview of Singapore Meeting
3.1. TOR and Alternate DNS
3.2. Accessibility Taskforce
3.3. Other Sessions of Interest
4. Outreach and CROPP
4.1. Updates on Recruitment
4.2. New Recommendations
4.3. Municipal gTLD Applicants Group
5. NARALO Spotlight: Anthony Niiganii – Telecommunities
6. Committee and Working Group Reports
7. ALAC Business
8. ICANN Functions
8.1. Ongoing Compliance Issues
8.2. Domain Hijacking
9. AOB