2.4 Staff - Please advise of the status of Buenos Aires Reciprocity Reimbursements
2.5. All - Please note that "New gTLDs" has been removed as a standard item and moved under "ICANN Functions"
2.6. All - Please note that the agenda has been renumbered since the last session
2.7. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) The ALS RALO database is to show the date of updating. , please advise of status
2.86. Eduardo Diaz to supply ATLAS Needs for Volunteers (See 3.2.1)
2.97. ALAC Chair - Please advise on the status of the NARALO Chair request to publicly notify ICANN Compliance of issues noted in 8.1.1. and the December Monthly Report
2.108. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) to notify RALO leaders and the ALAC members when the RALO ALS database is updated.
2.119. Secretary: Please ensure that HETS members are added to the NARALO and At-Large Skype Chats
2.1210. Staff: Please update on the Native Scholarship/fellowship program from staff - Formal Documentation Requested
2.x. Clarification of the CROPP appointees2.x11. Staff: Please advise on the staff Due Diligence status of new ALS application: Capital Area Globetrotters
2.1112. Heidi Ullrich (Staff) to request information from Christopher Mondini on disabled community access activities. Completed, (see 4.1.)
2.1213. Garth Bruen (Chair) to let Sandra Hofferichter and other organizers of the ICANN Academy know of the need for training for RALO Leaders and Secretariats. - Completed (see 5.6).
2.x14. Heidi Ullrich (Staff) to look for a Digital certificate of Gareth Shearman - Complete (see 5.7.)
2.x15. METRICS WG Feedback: Garth Bruen to request feedback from all the NARALO ALSes. - Integrated in ongoing discussions (see 5.5)
2.x16. Staff - Please create a "2014 Teleconference" Directory in the WIKI - Complete
2.1417. All - Please Note that Daylight Savings Time ended 2 November 2013 but will resume 9 March 2014 - Regardless, this call will occur at 3PM ET/12PM PT2.16
2.18. All - Please note that "New gTLDs" has been removed as a standard item and moved under "ICANN Functions"
2.19. All - Please note that the agenda has been renumbered since the last session
2.20. All - Please note December 2013 NARALO Report
4.2. Automation of the ALS Application
2.x. Clarification of the CROPP appointees
4.x. Calendar of Outreach initiatives
5. Our Community (10 Minutes)
5.1. Ongoing Engagement with Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG)
5.2. Calendar of Outreach initiatives5.3. Developing a comprehensive transition plan for oncoming officers:
5.2.1. Database of ALS - staff
5.2.2. Names of people on working groups - staff
5.2.3. Form letters - Darlene, if any
5.2.4. Timelines for elections - to coordinate with staff
5.2.5. Policies and procedures - see NARALO by laws
5.2.6. In General this must be formalized Cross-RALO so At-Large has efficiency - This has been proposed to include in the Academy.
8.1.1. The Chair has made a formal request of ALAC to forward a list of concerns highlighted in a December Washington Post article. The full extent of the request is posted within the December NARALO Monthly Report
8.1.2. Domain Hijacking/Unauthorized Transfers
8.2 Language and Translation