Konstantin Kalaitzidis San Franciso Bay ISOC
Dana Perry Nova Scotia Community Access Program
Sarah Alkire Youth Helping Youth Inc dba: Emerging Futures Network
Joly MacFie ISOC New York
Kerry Brown Internet Society Canada Chapter (ISOC CA)
John Levine Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail(CAUCE North America)
Louis Houle ISOC Quebec
Darlene Thompson N-CAP
Michael Snell ISOC SF( Duplicate for ISOC SF and Bay Area)
Garth Graham Telecommunities Canada
Chris Grundemann ISOC Colorado
Alan Skuce Pacific Community Networks Association
Evan Leibovitch Canadian Association for Open Sorce (CLUE)
Monique Chartrand Communautique
Seth Reiss The Intellectual Property & Technology Section of the Hawaii State Bar Association
Michael Maranda Association for Community Networking (AFCN)
Garth Bruen Knujon
Glenn McKnight Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC)
Gordon Chillicot Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group (GTALug)
Eduardo Diaz ISOC Puerto Rico
Thomas Lowenhaupt Connecting.nyc Inc.
Alan Greenberg NARALO - Unaffiliated Members
Randy Glass America@Large
- A new program which
- CROPP program requires 6 to 8 weeks notice so that suggestion for the CES show in January 2014 would not be eligible eeligible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_Electronics_Show
http://www.cesweb.org/ due to timing issues - Evan has suggested the NTEN Conference in Washington http://www.nten.org/ntc scheduled for March 13-15 Fee is $799- Submitted scholarship for registration
- Glenn has suggested ARIN Conference in Chicago https://www.arin.net/ scheduled for 13-16 April 2014.
- The two individuals assigned from Finance and Outreach is Darlene Thompson and Allan Skuce