Transition process needs work and discussion with staff underway for the smooth transition transition for access to form letters, database of ALS and working groups
- Calls with Matt Ashtanti on existing documents and processes for the new secretariat
Il. Input for ALAC Metrics Working group
Maureen shared the information on ALAC Metrics Working Group with all RALOs and the call for comments will be sent to APRALO ALSs as well. Maureen Hilyard is coordinating the works on this WG. She is looking for NARALO feedback . ADD LINK
The new pilot program CROPP
Details CROPP Contacts
- A new program which
- CROPP program requires 6 to 8 weeks notice so that suggestion for the CES show in January 2014 would not be eligible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_Electronics_Show
http://www.cesweb.org/ - The two individuals assigned from Finance and Outreach is Darlene Thompson and Allan Skuce
NARALO Monthly Report-November 2013