Chat: AC Chat transcript 21 October 2013
Recording: EN
1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)
2.9. Heidi Ullrich to schedule the NARALO Monthly meeting in Bs. Aires at a convenient time for NARALO.
2.10. Heidi Ullrich to find out if ATRT II on 19th September in DC will be a public meeting.
Review of Action Items of September call:
- Heidi Ullrich to work with CT to determine if a "ticket system" can be implemented to facilitate tracking of travel related reimbursement.
- Heidi Ullrich to schedule the NARALO Monthly meeting in Bs. Aires at a convenient time for NARALO.
- Garth Bruen asked all all NARALO members to make a list of 10 potential NARALO ALSes to recruit in YOUR community. Garth will send actual letters to recruit organizations.
- Heidi Ullrich to find out if ATRT II on 19th September in DC will be a public meeting.
3) Update by Christopher Mondini to introduce the new GSE North American coordinator, Joe Catapano and upcoming activities
4. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)
34.1 ICANN48 Buenos Ares Argentina
3.1.1 NARALO Meeting BA
34.2 ATLAS II Timeline
34.2.2 The Summit will be at ICANN50 London, England 22-26 June 2014
34.2.3 ATLAS 2: A call for volunteers to work in a WG that is being assembled
34.2.4 At-Large Summit II Working Group (ATLAS II)
34.2.5 When is next WG Call?
34.3. Canadian Internet Forum sponsored by CIRA on Sept 16th in Montreal (Evan, Louis, and Glenn)
34.4 IETF in Vancouver November 3-8, 2013 (Glenn, Carlos Reyes)
34.5. IGF Bali 22-25 October
34.6. MAAWG Montreal
34.8 ICANN 49 Singapore, Singapore
5. Review of Communication/Outreach Strategy
45.1. Request from Chair: ALL NARALO Members, Please make a list of 10 potential NARALO ALSes to recruit in YOUR community (this could be local to you or organizations similar in nature - don't worry about possible overlap with other members!). Send me, if available, Organization name, business addresses, website, contact name, contact email.
45.2 Designating a NARALO Coordinators for the CROPP (Murray)
45.3 Chair will be soliciting lists of 10 potential ALS recruits from each current ALS
45.4.An update by Christopher Mondini to introduce the new GSE North American coordinator, Joe Catapano and upcoming activities
6 Our Community (10 Minutes)
56.1. Remembering Gareth Shearman of Telecommunities Canada
56.1.1 Moment of Silence in Buenos Aires
56.1.2. Nomination for the Internet Hall of Fame at: http://www.internethalloffame.org/. The deadline is 31 October.
56.1.3. Board recognize Gareth’s contributions to ICANN and At-Large
56.1.4. Collaborative CircleID Article
5.x Staff will provide for future Elections a TEST Vote on a Null item to ensure all ALSes have access and functionality. Too many ALSes have reported problems receiving the ballots.The ROP vote will serve as a test vote for the run-off vote
7. New gTLDs
67.1 Reserving "AtLarge" and "At-Large"
8. Committee/Working Group Activity - for All WG/Committee Reports
8.1 NOMCOM - Report supplied to list (Glenn) - Soon to be supplied by Louis
8.4 Going forward, the Chair will request all NARALO working group leaders provide updates to the Monthly Reports (Garth)
9. At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)
11. Any Other Business "AOB" (2 Minutes)
1112.1 The Great Internet Land Grab (thanks Dev)
13. Action Items
1213.1. Going forward, let's list previous action items and not have a separate page - Staff: please list ALL additional action items from THIS call bellow this entry. And then list the same action items at the top of the NEXT meeting agenda.
1213.2 Daylight Savings Time Details: Per previous vote these calls ALWAYS occur at 3PM EST REGARDLESS of Daylight Savings Time until otherwise noted. Explanation: Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a program which moves the official hour ahead by one during the summer to preserve more daylight in the evening. DST is not universally or equally observed. DST changes have occasionally caused confusion for NARALO call times. For us this means specifically, we will be observing DST. The time of our call will remain 3:00PM EDT and 12:00PM PDT, but the UTC time of the call will change from 2000hrs to 1900hrs as of March until the end of DST.
6. The At-Large Summit & NA GA 6 to be retired in next call
1213.3 Closed action items from previous call: