Apologies: Oliver Crépin-Leblond
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco,Matt Ashtiani,
Julia Charvolen
Call management: Nathalie PeregrineJulia Charvolen
Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 21 October 2013
2.7. Chair sent a preliminary proposal to the other RALOs about reserving At-Large strings in the DNS (See item 5.1.from September call)
2.8. Heidi Ullrich to work with CT to determine if a "ticket system" can be implemented to facilitate tracking of travel related reimbursement.
2.9. Heidi Ullrich to schedule the NARALO Monthly meeting in Bs. Aires at a convenient time for NARALO.
2.10. Heidi Ullrich to find out if ATRT II on 19th September in DC will be a public meeting.
3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)