2.7. Chair sent a preliminary proposal to the other RALOs about reserving At-Large strings in the DNS (See item 5.1.from September call)
2.8. Heidi Ullrich to work with CT to determine if a "ticket system" can be implemented to facilitate tracking of travel related reimbursement.
2.9. Heidi Ullrich to schedule the NARALO Monthly meeting in Bs. Aires at a convenient time for NARALO.
2.10. Heidi Ullrich to find out if ATRT II on 19th September in DC will be a public meeting.
3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)
4.2 Designating a NARALO Coordinators for the CROPP (Murray)
4.3 Chair will be soliciting lists of 10 potential ALS recruits from each current ALS
4.4.An update by Christopher Mondini to introduce the new GSE North American coordinator, Joe Catapano and upcoming activities
5. Our Community (10 Minutes)
5.1. Remembering Gareth Shearman of Telecommunities Canada
25.1.1 Moment of Silence in Buenos Aires
25.1.2. Nomination for the Internet Hall of Fame at: http://www.internethalloffame.org/. The deadline is 31 October.
25.1.3. Board recognize Gareth’s contributions to ICANN and At-Large
25.1.4. Collaborative CircleID Article
25.1.5, Continuing Gareth;s work
25.1.6. Other ideas
5.x. Bienvenidos Sr. Alfredo Calderon de HETS de Puerto Rico
5.x Staff will provide for future Elections a TEST Vote on a Null item to ensure all ALSes have access and functionality. Too many ALSes have reported problems receiving the ballots.The ROP vote will serve as a test vote for the run-off vote