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Chat:  NARALO Chat transcript 10 June 2013

Recording: ENGLISH 




Being updated -send additions to chair 

1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)


2.2 NARALO Monthly Report - April (Beijing/ICANN46) May 2013

2.3 NARALO call time will observe DST until its end Sunday 3 November 2013 (See 12.2 for details)

2.4 Staff: Please archive all Monthly Meeting lists prior to 2012 under new sub-folders called "2009 NARALO Monthly Meetings," "2010 NARALO Monthly Meetings," "2011 NARALO Monthly Meetings" - These sub-folders should be under the "NARALO Meetings an Events Folder"

2.5 Staff: Please archive all the Toronto preparation activity under a new sub-folder

2.6 Staff: On the University Community Partnership for Social Action Research Due Diligence issue; Did legal ever resolve the question of their applicability?

2.7 Staff: Please advise on upcoming elections - Posts and Timeline

2.8 Staff: Please continue to develop the Active Documents section of NARALO

2.9 Darlene Thompson will be unavailable to attend the Durban meeting in person as Secretary. We will be calling for volunteers on THIS CALL to substitute. Staff: Please be prepared to tally an informal consensus vote.

2.10 Staff: Please move the comment by Thomas Lowenhaupt on the NARALO front page to a new page under "Miscellaneous" until we can determine the proper location. These are important comments which need to be preserved and categorized properly.


Please advise of the status of the ISOC CA ALS Application - under 5.2 of this call

2.5 Staff: On a March 18 2013 ALAC briefing call on RAA changes staff (Margie Milam and Sam Eisner) were asked to identify ICANN's economic advisors and provide the economic study document that was the basis for changes to RAA 3.3.6 and 3.3.7, Will At-Large staff please forward this request again?


2.12 Staff: The link for Operating Principles on the "RALO Organising Document" page leads to a dead link, please investigate and update.

3. ICANN46


Durban Meeting (1 Minute)

3.1 Review of NARALO Meeting in Beijing, dedicated to Outreach/Inreach/RecruitmentWhat should our subject/goal for this meeting be?

3.1.1 Original meeting Agenda

3.1.2 Transcript

3.1.3 Review of Active and Non-Active ALSes (Unable to review)

3.1.4 Overview of ALS De-accreditation Procedures (Unable to review)

3.1.5 Disconnect Between "Individual Internet Users" and the reality of ALSe

3.1.6 ISOC Canada Application


4.  Review of Communication/Outreach Strategy (5 Minutes)


5. Our Community (10 Minutes)

5.1 ALS Spotlight: Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities (fbsc) - Glenn McKnight. Click here for a PPT presentation of FBSCSpecial Discussion This Week Lead By 

5.1.1 2 Next Spotlight will be KnujOn again with a video to "reset" the cycle. (Garth)

5.1.2 3 Spotlights to follow will be assigned in alphabetical order. We will skip the July Spotlight just prior to the Durban meeting and begin the new cycle , begining in August. (Garth)



3.1.3 Review of Active and Non-Active ALSes  

3.1.4 Overview of ALS De-accreditation Procedures 

3.1.5 Disconnect Between "Individual Internet Users" and the reality of ALSe

5.2 Status of ALS Applications & Regional Advice: on ISOC Canada (Staff)

5.2.1 Collect Consensus (Staff)

5.3 Substitute Secretary for Durban/ICANN47 (Darlene)

5.3.1 Call for Volunteers (Chair)



5.4 Potential De-accreditation of The Alberta Community Network Association (Darlene)


7.2 Agenda for ICANN new gTLD Pgm Comm meeting in Amsterdam

8. Committee/Working Group Activity


- Future Space for All WG/Committee Reports (10  Minutes)

8.1 NOMCOM - Report supplied to list (Glenn)

8.2 A Call for ICANN to Embrace its Inner Regulator (Evan)

8.2.1 What is the status time-line for ATRT responses?



Support for this letter has been posted by Tyler W. Cox and Steve Attwell

8.3 Going forward, the Chair will request all NARALO working group leaders provide updates to the Monthly Reports (Garth)

8.3.1 This is quick and simple way for the region to record their activities. Please forward briefs of your work to the Chair, Secretary and Staff

9. At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)


11.1.7 How marketers track you on the internet

11.2 A Call for ICANN to Embrace its Inner Regulator (Evan)11.3 "At-Large" and "AtLarge" As reserved strings (Tom L.)


12.2 Daylight Savings Time Details: Per previous vote these calls ALWAYS occur at 3PM EST REGARDLESS of Daylight Savings Time until otherwise noted. Explanation: Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a program which moves the official hour ahead by one during the summer to preserve more daylight in the evening. DST is not universally or equally observed. DST changes have occasionally caused confusion for  NARALO call times. For us this means specifically, we will be observing DST. The time of our call will remain 3:00PM EDT and 12:00PM PDT, but the UTC time of the call will change from 2000hrs to 1900hrs as of March until the end of DST.

12.3 Closed action items from previous call:

2.X Staff: Please archive all Monthly Meeting lists prior to 2012 under new sub-folders called "2009 NARALO Monthly Meetings," "2010 NARALO Monthly Meetings," "2011 NARALO Monthly Meetings" - These sub-folders should be under the "NARALO Meetings an Events Folder"

2.X Staff: Please archive all the Toronto preparation activity under a new sub-folder

2.X Staff: On the University Community Partnership for Social Action Research Due Diligence issue; Did legal ever resolve the question of their applicability?

2.X Staff: Please advise on upcoming elections - Posts and Timeline

2.X Staff: Please continue to develop the Active Documents section of NARALO

2.X Darlene Thompson will be unavailable to attend the Durban meeting in person as Secretary. We will be calling for volunteers on THIS CALL to substitute. Staff: Please be prepared to tally an informal consensus vote.

2.X Staff: Please move the comment by Thomas Lowenhaupt on the NARALO front page to a new page under "Miscellaneous" until we can determine the proper location. These are important comments which need to be preserved and categorized properly.

2.11 Staff: Please be prepared to record the consensus for the ISOC Canada ALS Application