ebw:many of the draft agenda items are untimed. using just the timed items, how many minutes are budgeted?
Policy Host:It is 1 hour
ebw:as usual. my question was to the sum of the line-item topical per-minute budget.
ebw:there is a "stage lights" timer plugin for adobe connect which is free, compatible with connect 8, and visually signals when a timer nears expiry.
ebw:rather than using it for "speakers", it could be used for pre-timed agenda sections.
Eduardo Diaz:Hola a todos!
Policy Host 2:HI All
Policy Host:Hola Eduardo
Policy Host:Hello everyone
Eduardo Diaz:Who is Policiy Host?
Alan Greenberg:Staff - secret who is who. (due to lack of IDs for adobe connect). If you ask REALLY nice, they may tell you who is who.
Garth Bruen:hullo
Glenn McKnight:Greetings
Policy Host:Policy host 1 is me Silvia Vivanco
Policy Host:Policy Host 2 is Heidi
Glenn McKnight: Interesting suggestion by Eric
Eduardo Diaz:Hola Silvia and Heidi.
Garth Bruen:John McAfee: http://gizmodo.com/5959812/john-mcafee-wanted-for-murder
Joly MacFie:No relation.
Glenn McKnight:Different spelling
Joly MacFie:The Irish end of the clan.
Policy Host:I will start the roll call
Glenn McKnight:We have pretty busy schedule
Gareth Shearman:Noon Pacific is fine for me
Evan Leibovitch:Sylvia is very faint
Policy Host:Sorry I will speak up
Policy Host 2:Noted, Garth, re action items being listed on the agendas
Policy Host 2:Thanks, Garth! It was our pleasure
Evan Leibovitch:In the "news" agenbda item (11.1)... The interview with Kieren is many years old, dating back to when he was on ICANN staff.
Evan Leibovitch:Permissions on the wiki CAN be a problem, but Matt is usually good at ironing these things out
Glenn McKnight:comment
Glenn McKnight:It was mentioned very briefly. We should remind people and detail the reasons for reporting
Glenn McKnight:I was using my computer but I needed it at the table
Glenn McKnight:In our NOMCOM exerience we had a ICANN staff computer, locked to the table
Policy Host 2:Communication strategy: https://community.icann.org/display/NARALO/NARALO+Communication+Strategy
Gareth Shearman:Eduardo has his hand up
Evan Leibovitch:No opinion for or against for the subcommittee -- whatever works
Joly MacFie:silence
Joly MacFie:I'd be happy to serve, but not chair
Evan Leibovitch:I can help but can't spare the cycles to lead
Gordon Chillcott:I'll work with the new subcommittee
Glenn McKnight:As stated before I have volunteered
Joly MacFie:would we have staff involvement
Joly MacFie:?
Glenn McKnight:I agree
Policy Host 2:We are trying to find the source of the beeping
Seth Reiss:Sorry, had a problem finding my green button for the first one, but it would have been green if I was faster on the typewritter.
Glenn McKnight:Yes, this was my understanding too
Glenn McKnight:|The minutes should reflect the proper wording
Glenn McKnight:I was agreeing
Glenn McKnight:Notifications should be built into a Mobile App for Naralo
Joly MacFie:This is the sort of thing the recruitment wg should consider - what happens when recruitment succeeds.
ebw:agree with alan.
Policy Host 2:Evan, your line has been muted
Policy Host 2:Garth, should this be an Action Item?
Glenn McKnight:nope
Glenn McKnight:nope to the two wg's
Evan Leibovitch:you can unmute my line.
Evan Leibovitch:I had to go on hold momentarily
Joly MacFie:In these situations newbies often sign up for everything in a fit of enthusiasm and discovery.
Glenn McKnight:Working Group's need a proper defination and description
Policy Host 2:Glenn, Sala informed me the two of you had been in contact regarding the At-Large Capacity Building WG's aims and objectives.
Glenn McKnight:Not exactly
Joly MacFie:Yes there should be a distinction between At-Large WGs and others.
Alan Greenberg:Havestarted now.
Glenn McKnight:Alan your volume is low
Glenn McKnight:Some of us are involved with groups. ie. I work with NOMCOM and NCUC
Glenn McKnight:Nomcom stuff coming up
Glenn McKnight:http://nomcom.icann.org/
Glenn McKnight:THis is the new 2013 page
Glenn McKnight:Positions available Three members of the Board of Directors of ICANNThree At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) representatives (one each from the Africa, Asia/Australia/Pacific Islands and Latin America/Caribbean Islands regions)Two members of the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)One member of the Council of the Country-Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO)
Alan Greenberg:Garth, my current ones (unless I missed something) is ALAC RoP, ALAC RoP Metrics, RoP DSDT, RoP DMDT (Pen holder), RoP MADT (Pen holder), RoP ESADT, GNSO Thick Whois PDP WG , GNSO RC/IOC DT, GNSO IGO/INGO PDP WG, GNSO UDRP LOcking WG (Vice-Chair), New gTLD, GNSO PEDNR Implementation Review Group
Alan Greenberg:(Actually, co=pen holders for two RoP DTs)
Policy Host 2:Garth, re the ALS intro, could updating their wiki page: https://community.icann.org/display/NARALO/NARALO+ALSes?
Glenn McKnight:Not advisable to get your visa too early
Evan Leibovitch:Heidi, the chinese embassy site (for Canada):
Evan Leibovitch:http://ca.china-embassy.org/eng/lsyw/gzrz/vusa/t941629.htm
Evan Leibovitch:mentions there are different types of visas.
Evan Leibovitch:Is it clear whiuch one we are applying for?
ebw:when i traveled to beijing i mailed my passport to get the visa.
Glenn McKnight:business, education etc
Glenn McKnight:Need a letter from Host
ebw:use the form letter generator.
Glenn McKnight:just check with your own embassy office
Evan Leibovitch:http://www.visaforchina.org/YTO_EN/
Alan Greenberg:For news reports, one Glenn sent around a few days ago is more relevant (in my mind) than the one on Kenya - http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2012/11/10/164824915/google-facebook-and-the-next-billion-users
Glenn McKnight:Correction on notes on NOMCOM we have two ALAC members as Chair and Chair Elect providing excellent representation We have a total of four alac voting positions
ebw:alan, if you'd like me to look at it, please send a link.
Policy Host:Thank you Glenn noted
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Alan Greenberg:The lisnk to the message on TM protections is http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/alac/2012/002667.html
ebw:the issue of deceptive marketing was addressed some two years ago. see the interventions of carlton samuels and others opposed to acting on "pre-registrations" as "consumer fraud".
Policy Host 2:Glenn, I did follow up with CT on your issue.
Policy Host 2:Let me follow up again.
Policy Host 2:I also followed up with Joan
Glenn McKnight:My point that issues are assigned with a tracking number.
Glenn McKnight:The fees were $32 on Joan's wire transfer
Glenn McKnight:A screen capture was sent
Policy Host 2:Glenn, I saw a screen capture for $10.
Glenn McKnight:Yes, but the amount taken off as 32 dollars when the currency is at par
Glenn McKnight:Tough for 7 am meetings
Alan Greenberg:Regarding reimbursement for self-paid travel, I put my request in on Nov 1 and the money appeared in my bank account Nov 9.
Evan Leibovitch:CHinese visa offices in NA: Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, LA, SF, NY, DC, Chicago, Houston
Evan Leibovitch:visas will need to be done either in person at -- or by mail to --one of these cities
Glenn McKnight:Joly provide the link
Joly MacFie:http://www.internetsociety.org/news/internet-society-and-its-new-york-chapter-host-open-forum-discussion-new-copyright-alert-system
Joly MacFie:our own website is currently down under the pressure
Joly MacFie::(
Joly MacFie:so much for supercache on wordpress
ebw:joly, is this something you think a north american public policy comment, possibly rising to the height of advising the board, is approriate?
Joly MacFie:I don't think it's domain related
Evan Leibovitch:@Joly +1. To the extent it the isssue *is* domain related (ie, use of DNS to block access to sites) it's beyond ICANN's ability to address
Joly MacFie:this si not about blocking sites, but throttling users
Glenn McKnight:The IEEE offices were down
ebw:see "geographical redundency" and "stability" and "resiliency".
Glenn McKnight:The IEEE offices are in New Jersey
Glenn McKnight:Heidi my comment is NARALO volunteers being at their Outreach table
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Garth. Good call!
Policy Host:Thank you all
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