12.1.6 What is the official ICANN policy concerning shuttles from sanctioned ICANN meeting spill-over hotels? The following images are of taxi receipts from NARALO members who paid $13 to $15 CAN per trip.
12.1.7 Community needs clarification on travel visa types for China
12.7.1 Ensure new members are on the Skype chat - List sent by Chair 11/19
12.8 Follow-Up on Trademark Clearinghouse Meeting at ICANN HQ LA: http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/alac/2012/002667.html, http://blog.icann.org/2012/11/building-a-secure-and-reliable-trademark-clearinghouse/
12.11 Chair will draft thank you letter to Toronto event sponsors
12.12 Staff should find the survey results from the Adobe chat session so they can be analyzed by the group - Requested by Chair 11/19
12.13 Staff should create the shell page for the next call at the end of the current call and put the action items at the top of that page. If an item is strikedout it does NOT need to be carried over.
Note: Crossed off items DO NOT need to be carried over to next meeting's action items.