Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the NARALO Toronto Events OC call on Wednesday 29 August 2012 at 1930 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Eduardo Diaz:Hola everyone!
Glenn:I can't get into the phone bridge, asking for the subscriber
Glenn:i can hear via the laptop
Gisella Gruber-White:Glenn - code 3535
Garth Bruen:Hello everyone.
Garth Bruen:May shake up the order and put Glenn's items at the top to save some time.
Heidi Ullrich:You are the chair, Garth! :)
Glenn:yes here
Garth Bruen:at iii. Invitations to Keynote and other Speakers
Matt Ashtiani:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Garth Bruen:c. NARALO Table Top Display in ICANN Village
Matt Ashtiani:banner -
Garth Bruen:at b. NARALO banner
Eduardo Diaz:Plus we ca use them in any other general activity
Heidi Ullrich:How about adding after Welcome: Join Us!
Heidi Ullrich:that is the text that the RALO brochures use
Gisella Gruber-White:Evan jas joined the call
Garth Bruen:welcome evan
Evan Leibovitch:Hi.
Evan Leibovitch:A little groggy but at least here
Heidi Ullrich:The space should be available. At-Large used the the ICANN booth in Nairobi and Costa Rica.
Heidi Ullrich:sorry, Cartagena
Evan Leibovitch:The best possible scenarioscenario IMO is something usable atata
Garth Bruen:# of postcards?
Garth Bruen:Why I referenced the catering
Glenn:th budget limits the numbr
Glenn:10% do not show
Glenn:I think 150
Heidi Ullrich:How woudl the cards be distributed?
Darlene Thompson:I think 200 is reasonable
Darlene Thompson:Cards would be distributed through the table top, I think
Heidi Ullrich:there are 1400 welcome bags....
Gordon Chillcott:Agree with Darlene here.
Darlene Thompson:Good point Garth
Heidi Ullrich:ok, so the Org Committee would be in charge of distributing?
Heidi Ullrich:at the the table top, etc.
Heidi Ullrich:There are approx 60+ members of the At-Large community expected to be present
Evan Leibovitch:The church of NARALO
Glenn:60 Naralo ?
Darlene Thompson:AND from North America
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large ALAC members (current and incoming), RALO leaders (new and incoming), liaisons, Review Team members, NomCom delegates, etc
Heidi Ullrich:We would also need cards for the Board members, correct?
Darlene Thompson:Yes
Gordon Chillcott:I think so
Eduardo Diaz:yes too
Darlene Thompson:Yes
Glenn:how many board members
Darlene Thompson:15?
Heidi Ullrich:21
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:15
Gisella Gruber-White:approx 23
Gisella Gruber-White:21 or 23
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:+ non votingones
Heidi Ullrich:lol
Gisella Gruber-White:21 confirmed
Glenn:60 ALS plus 23 plus board, plus AT Large members
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I was thinking only of the voting ones :-) why waste $$$ on people who can't help ou? :-) only kidding.
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks!
Darlene Thompson:We HAVE to invite regional leads if we are giving out long time service awards.
Heidi Ullrich:Good point, Darlene
Glenn:your funny Olivier
Evan Leibovitch:Don't count on all (or even a majority) of the Board showing up
Heidi Ullrich:60 At-Large, 21 Board, Newcomers _Fellows...
Glenn:I have an idea that we have our own t shirts to wear at the event
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:you'd be lucky if you get 8 or 9 Board
Garth Bruen:3. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities - All (30 mins)
Matt Ashtiani:
Darlene Thompson:I don't want to wear a T-shirt. It looks scruffy.
Gordon Chillcott:I kind of dislike them too, but I'll go with consensus
Heidi Ullrich:You have pins - and can wear yellow ;)
Darlene Thompson:ICK!!!
Glenn:How about Canadian toques
Evan Leibovitch:there arearearearearearearearealeady
Matt Ashtiani:
Evan Leibovitch:I hate adobe for Android
Evan Leibovitch:there are at large lanyards
Gisella Gruber-White:We can ALL wear yellow - that would be great
Evan Leibovitch:used in Prague
Heidi Ullrich:I believe we have some lanyards leftover. However, they do have the ALAC anniversary text on it.
Glenn:It works
Garth Bruen:NARALO RALO Anniversary/Outreach Event
Evan Leibovitch:I can do bookboth yellow and a tshirt... But it has sponge Bob squarepants on it
Garth Bruen:NARALO Capacity Building Meetings
Glenn:Th Metis performrers will be going to th elocation and I sent their addrss to Heidi
Heidi Ullrich:To confirm: 200 postcards to be ordered.
Heidi Ullrich:Should they be in a similar design as the pins on the front with the meeting date/time/location (and that this postcard is the ticket to the event).
Evan Leibovitch:matt would be good at wiki training
Matt Ashtiani::-)
Glenn:Matt I have an issu with the WIKI not allowing embedded Slideshare powerpoint
Glenn:I was able to embed the video code befor
Evan Leibovitch:teach us to be gruntled
Gordon Chillcott:Monday would work
Darlene Thompson:Or can we make the Secretariats meeting an hour longer and have him lead a session there.
Glenn:Sorry i need to go
Gisella Gruber-White:Next week, our meeting is at 2000 UTC (1300 PDT & 1600 EDT) due to the AFRALO meeting prior to this one
Gisella Gruber-White:Thanks Glenn
Garth Bruen:4. Planning the Logistics - Update from Staff - Staff (5 min)
Evan Leibovitch:possibly one of the capacity building days could be. ICANN tech "
Eduardo Diaz:@evan: how much is needed?
Darlene Thompson:Evan - for ALAC only?
Gordon Chillcott:I'm OK with it
Eduardo Diaz:Ok with me
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!
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