NARALO Monthly call Monday 9 January 2012:
Participants: Glenn McKnight, Gordon Chillcott, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Darlene Thompson, Allan Skuce, Eduardo Diaz, Gareth Shearman, Garth Bruen, Beau Brendler
Apologies: Seth Reiss
Staff: Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco
NARALO Budget Submission
Late last week budget submission worked on by group of Naralo. Request for General Assembly in Toronto in October and for support to attend various trade shows.
Darlene, Evan and Gareth worked on the budget
Evan's comment includes
-Need to launch a major end user survey with At Large involved
-Identified the need for the need of regional meeting once in three years.
-Staffer was bringing up the issue of a Summit separate from our regular ask, It is on ICANN's radar, this is multi-year and reincurring budget item
-Agreed in the idea that the finance committee needs to put together a general assembly needs to put together,
-Attitude has changed in ICANN on this issue
Item Two: Conference in Costa Rico will be held on the regular Monday time slot at 3 oclock
If you have any focuses, policy positions etc please provide your issues directly to the committee members. Attendees in Costa Rico can bring the issues forward on your behalf
Item Three RAA group
Beau is working on old mailing list to update the new mailing list
- Refining the 'aspirational' charter to make it more of a real one
-Will have a meeting in Costa Rico
Improvements project: (not on the agenda), there was a discussion to create a WG on inreach/outreach. First time in the WG.
Avri: Looking at all WG, are they all active at the moment? What is open at the moment?. When something can be discussed?
Response- Oliver
-If you have certain issues, how do you get the groups concerned to be interested?
-The DESIGN TEAM is still running and it's the committee deals with lessons learned,
Alan Greenberg
Two things
-Cherly was suppose to look at this issue
-What do you do on issues? He thinks any committee that seems relevant you should take it the chair, we shouldn't go to EXCOM we should be less bureaucratic
Item Four Naralo Video
Feedback provided on the WIKI
Joly will work on the short video from the content
Action: Need to push and make the videos public
What is the soft launch to be done?
Suggest to converse with Joly and Glenn to prompt people to take action,
To provide a useable link
Work on the survey is located on the WIKI and a preliminary version is in a GOOGLE FORM
Ask everyone to provide feedback on the survey for evident gaps
We plan on a formal meeting in Costa Rico
GNO group is creating questions and she will make us aware of the questions
Will follow up with survey team
We need to have Spanish and French in the survey
Item Six New gTLD
New gTLDs, JAS report. There is a gTLD WG within ALAC that met this morning, there is a paper prepared by Evan which is being discussed.
US gov has proposed a bill SOPA. Affecting internet freedom of speech.
NARALO Statement to US congress: Two hearings were discussed, Senate and Congress. OCL letter to the senate; we did not receive any reply.
Item Seven Rob Hall
Beau has not yet drafted a letter on Rob Hall, will bring have a draft for committee to review