iii. At Large Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice and Competition
EvanEL: He explained that intent of WG is associate some metrics that gTLD program is actually increasing consumer choice and so on. It gets into the definition of consumer, which ICANN is defining too broadly, and metrics as increase in number of registries, and doing these kind of things isn't properly really addressing whether the program is addressing consumer choice. There is a paragraph added that says that the program is not complete without measuring external factors.
This has a potential to reignite the flame between the GAC and ICANN Board. It has the potential to make the TAS problems pale in comparison.
Garth GB : Is there room for a lower price ? If there are other providers who can do it for a lower price, yes.
OCL: Note on TAS interruption. Targeting May 22 and closing May 30th. It appears that they have 4 types of users.
EvanEL: Idea is "Open House" rather than a Showcase. I am recalling the kind of events that recruited Darlene and I into ICANN and I think that would be less ambitious than a Showcase but it would assist recruiting potential ALS
Darlene DT would be happy to help but not lead